Safety Health Covers global safety programs, innovations and safety culture; OSHA and state enforcement; construction accidents-injuries and fatalities; government rulemaking// en-us Valero Energy Refinery, Contractors Fined $1.75M in 2021 Union Worker Death California facility and three contractors are cited by state OSHA for multiple violations, including serious and willful infractions, in confined space asphyxiation death of laborers' union member Luis Gutierrez, 35 // Tue, 31 May 2022 17:28:00 -0400// EU's Russia Oil Embargo Pressures Global Infrastructure Dynamics 欧元国家和美国推动项目以支持俄罗斯供应的新削减,并于5新利18备用网址月30日达成协议,并计划在年底之前生效,但不断变化的能源战略的影响引起了人们的关注 // Tue, 31 May 2022 15:00:00 -0400// Utilities Voice PFAS Liability Fear as Chemicals Head to Superfund List 美国主要的水,废物公用事业集团游说国会豁免国会制定联邦执行更硬的规则,以清理环境中无处不在的有毒物质。 // Mon, 30 May 2022 14:30:00 -0400// Firms Formulate Strategies to Reduce Industry Suicide Rates (Scott Blair)

Boosting peer-to-peer support is critical in reducing the construction industry’s high suicide rate, said mental health advocates at the Construction Working Minds Summit, held May 17-18 in Denver.

// Thu, 26 May 2022 09:30:00 -0400//
公路工作区安全调查显示令人担忧的趋势 ichniowskit@新利18备用汤姆·伊奇尼奥斯基) < p >超过60%的受访者说事故的职业rred at their firms' highway jobsites.

// Wed, 25 May 2022 18:57:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用

A Vail, Colo.-based contractor faces nearly $450,000 in federal penalties for a November 2021 trench collapse that fatally injured one worker and nearly cost the lives of two others.

// 星期二,2022年5月24日12:00:00 -0400//

Two firms face proposed penalties totaling $57K related to worker death when a 70-ft-long bridge section suddenly collapsed on Oct. 19.

// Mon, 09 May 2022 17:00:00 -0400//
Suffolk Stands Down After Consecutive Serious Boston Site Injuries

After two serious safety incidents in consecutive days, Boston area’s largest contractor voluntarily issued a safety stand down on projects ending May 6. 

// 星期五,2022年5月6日18:45:00 -0400//
大法官部,EPA加强环境正义执法 (Pam McFarland)


// 星期五,2022年5月6日00:00:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用 environmental-justice-normention
Developers Look to Triple Greater Boston Area Life Sciences Space Outlook highlighted ACEC's first private market symposium April 29 on health care and biotech R&D and manufacturing sectors // Thu, 05 May 2022 00:00:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用 波士顿走秀崩溃伤害了三名工人

The collapse of a catwalk in a defunct, 124-year-old power plant building in Boston injured three workers.

// Wed, 04 May 2022 00:00:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用



// 星期五,2022年4月29日14:00:00 -0400//
OSHA Moves to Oust Arizona Worker Safety Enforcement, Administer Federal Standards

OSHA says Arizona has been delinquent in adopting national safety standards since 2015.

// Wed, 20 Apr 2022 17:00:00 -0400//
UK Government, Builders Reach $3B Deal for Fire Upgrades to Towers (Peter Reina) 与至少35个大型住宅开发商达成协议,将涵盖超过11 m高的不安全建筑物的消防措施,他们在过去30年中工作。 http://www.新利18备用 Thu, 14 Apr 2022 15:00:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用 Interior Work Resumes on Jobsite of Fatal Boston Garage Demolition

Work resumed two weeks after a worked died at the Government Center parking garage in Boston on March 26.

// Thu, 14 Apr 2022 11:00:40 -0400//
EPA Updates Five Metro Areas to 'Severe' Smog Status, Requiring Added Protections

Proposed designations could mandate added preconstruction permitting for some types of projects.

// 星期三,2022年4月13日18:00:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用
Is the Obsession With Recordable Injury Rates a Deadly Safety Distraction? (Richard Korman) 根据最近对统计数据的研究,

总可记录的伤害率与死亡无关,而工人梅森·麦克·哈里斯(Mason Mack Harris)的死亡可能是一个悲惨的例子。新利18备用

// 星期三,2022年4月13日12:55:00 -0400// 压碎他的平板 在2021年元旦的事故发生三天后,杀死了内布拉斯加州林肯市的25岁的劳动者梅森·麦克·哈里斯(Mason Mack Harris),一名调查员拍摄了板块,撞击了他和弯腰的护栏,这是一个束缚的锚点。照片:劳工部调查文件
NYC Construction Safety Incidents Are Down for Third Year

Despite overall trend, the number of deaths increased by one, to 9 in 2021, and all construction-related injuries rose by three, to 505.

// Wed, 06 Apr 2022 16:00:00 -0400//

联合国。政府间气候变化报告的报告得出结论,温室气体排放必须到2025年达到高峰,以达到将全球温度升高至1.5°C或2.7°F的目标。 // Mon, 04 Apr 2022 17:40:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用释放仪 New Federal Pipeline Auto-shutoff Safety Rule Issued ichniowskit@新利18备用汤姆·伊奇尼奥斯基)

Final U.S. Transportation Dept. regulation aims to cut risks in lines that carry natural gas, carbon dioxide and other hazardous liquids.

// Thu, 31 Mar 2022 18:31:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用

Massachusetts officials are bracing for a lengthy recovery process following the partial collapse of a parking garage that killed one worker.

http://www.新利18备用 Mon, 28 Mar 2022 21:15:00 -0400//
波士顿拆除现场事故杀死了运营工程师 (Justin Rice) 据说在被拆除的停车场的部分地板倒塌导致现年51岁的彼得·蒙西尼(Peter Monsini)在市中心开发网站上与他的挖掘机九个故事跌倒。 http://www.新利18备用 Sun, 27 Mar 2022 07:25:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用工程师 陪审团如何在西雅图起重机倒塌损失中分配1.12亿美元 (Richard Korman) 民事诉讼损害奖励并未与拟议的国家安全处罚整齐。 // Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:24:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用 Florida Condo Inspection Bill Fails to Pass in Legislative Session

Bill introduced in response to Champlain Towers condo collapse snarls despite general agreement on inspection requirements.

// 星期五,2022年3月11日18:48:00 -0500https://www.新利18备用 before-effore-eend-of-ever-of-ens-of session
Pilot Study Links Toxic Metal Dust at Home to Worksite Practices

A new study found higher levels of certain toxic metals in construction workers' homes and found ways to reduce the risk of carrying them.

http://www.新利18备用 THU,2022年3月3日15:00:00 -0500//
消除装载机盲点并不那么简单 (Udo Schultheis)

Despite many upgrades with new technology for loaders,  excavators and cranes, manufacturers are still busy trying to solve a persistent safety problem: striking workers or pedestrians while moving in reverse.

http://www.新利18备用 星期三,2022年3月2日14:30:00 -0500// 前端装载器 A front-end loader at work in Asia in 2009.Credit: Joshua Garcia via Wikimedia Commons
Big Ukraine Nuclear Plant Is Taken in Russian Invasion rubind@新利18备用黛布拉·鲁宾)

更新:俄罗斯人现在占据Zaporizhzhia Faciity,但是炮击造成的大火尚无反应堆损坏或升高的放射性,尽管电力输出仍减少,乌克兰官员表示,在最新的大型攻击中,对普京军事入侵的最新大攻击。

http://www.新利18备用 星期六,2022年2月26日13:34:00 -0500// Ukraine_Power_Plant_1170_ENRwebready.jpg Image grab from a video feed from the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southeast Ukraine early on March 4 shows shelling and smoke rising near building at plant compound; officials report fire was extinguished with no radioactive threat at present.Credit: EyePress/Newscom
Champlain Towers Engineer Settles With Collapse Survivors Maryland-based consultant had been overseeing restoration plans before the deadly June 2021 building failure, but agreement terms were not disclosed. http://www.新利18备用 Fri, 25 Feb 2022 17:10:00 -0500// ASCE报告要求对德克萨斯电网基础设施进行大量更改


// THU,2022年2月17日17:42:00 -0500https://www.新利18备用
波士顿承包商面临更多OSHA处罚 < p >波士顿一家建筑公司的主管that lost two workers in a fatal accident last year now faces nearly $2 million in total fines after safety violations on a new project.

http://www.新利18备用 Mon, 14 Feb 2022 20:22:00 -0500//