Dream Projects

Ambitious engineers and architects are pushing the limits of technology and scale, but what are the impacts?
//www.phoneitt.com/rss/446 en-us Dream Projects: Feasibility Rankings and Meet the Judges lewisw@enr.com (Scott Lewis)

The projects we profile in this special section all stretch the limits of what is possible. At first glance, they may seem impossible to build. some of the projects are technically possible to build but may be economically unfeasible.

1112-dream-projects-feasbility-rankings-and-meet-the-judges.asp Wed, 12 Nov 2014 12:00:00 -0500//www.phoneitt.com/articles/8657-dream-projects-feasibility-rankings-and-meet-the-judges
Dream Projects: Nicaragua Canal Faces Huge Costs tuchmanj@enr.com (Janice L. Tuchman)

The idea of an interoceanic waterway through Nicaragua is far older than the existing, 100-year-old Panama Canal.

1112-nicaragua-canal-faces-huge-costs.asp Wed, 12 Nov 2014 12:00:00 -0500//www.phoneitt.com/articles/5529-dream-projects-nicaragua-canal-faces-huge-costs
Dream Projects: Strait of Messina Bridge Comes Closest in 2,000 Years reina@btinternet.com (Peter Reina)

More than 2,000 years of planning for a fixed link between Italy and the island of Sicily came tantalizingly close to fruition in 2006 when a construction contract was signed.

1112-strait-of-messina-bridge-comes-closest-in-2000-years.asp Wed, 12 Nov 2014 12:00:00 -0500//www.phoneitt.com/articles/5530-dream-projects-strait-of-messina-bridge-comes-closest-in-2000-years
Dream Projects: Lunar-Base Construction is Next Step to Exploit Space sawyert@enr.com (Tom Sawyer)

Engineers with the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration are on track to support surface construction on the moon within a decade, says Robert P. Mueller, senior technologist in the advanced projects development in the surface systems office for engineering and technology at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center.

1112-lunarbase-construction-is-next-step-to-exploit-space.asp Wed, 12 Nov 2014 12:00:00 -0500//www.phoneitt.com/articles/391-dream-projects-lunar-base-construction-is-next-step-to-exploit-space
Dream Projects: Mega-Pyramid Solves Urban Congestion rubenstonej@enr.com (Jeff Rubenstone) The Shimizu Mega Pyramid, or "TRY 2004" is a proposed megastructure to be built in Tokyo Bay, Tokyo, Japan. 1112-megapyramid-solves-urban-congestion.asp Wed, 12 Nov 2014 12:00:00 -0500//www.phoneitt.com/articles/392-dream-projects-mega-pyramid-solves-urban-congestion Dream Projects: City-on-Treads Goes Wherever It Wants rubenstonej@enr.com (Jeff Rubenstone)

The Very Large Structure (VLS) is described as a 600-ft-tall "city on wheels" that would remain in almost constant motion as it rolled over the countryside.

1111-dream-projects-cityontreads-goes-wherever-it-wants.asp Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:00:00 -0500//www.phoneitt.com/articles/8653-dream-projects-city-on-treads-goes-wherever-it-wants
Dream Projects: Giant Clean-Air 'Bubbles' Would Create Urban Havens reina@btinternet.com (Peter Reina) Delhi-based architects are promoting plans to build vast bubble-like enclosures to create urban havens in environmentally challenging cities such as the Indian capital and Beijing, China. 1111-dream-projects-giant-cleanair-bubbles-would-create-urban-havens.asp Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:00:00 -0500//www.phoneitt.com/articles/8654-dream-projects-giant-clean-air-bubbles-would-create-urban-havens Dream Projects: Hyperloop's Creator Stands By the Physics abaffyl@enr.com (Luke Abaffy)

Elon Musk, president Tesla Motors and SpaceX, dubs his brainchild, Hyperloop, a “fifth mode of transportation.”

1111-dream-projects-hyperloops-creator-stands-by-the-physics.asp Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:00:00 -0500//www.phoneitt.com/articles/8655-dream-projects-hyperloops-creator-stands-by-the-physics
Dream Projects: Space Elevator as Alluring as a Ball Swung on a String sawyert@enr.com (Tom Sawyer)

The first thing to understand about space elevators is that, in principle, they should work.“A space elevator appears feasible, with the realization that risks must be mitigated through technological progress,” concludes the International Academy of Astronautics in a peer reviewed feasibility assessment with 41 contributors published late last year.

1111-dream-projects-space-elevator-as-alluring-as-a-ball-swung-on-a-string.asp Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:00:00 -0500//www.phoneitt.com/articles/8656-dream-projects-space-elevator-as-alluring-as-a-ball-swung-on-a-string
Dream Projects Test New Realities rubind@enr.com (Debra K. Rubin)

A London designer looking to transform polluted cities into enclosed environmental havens could have used the more proven geodesic dome as its technology.

1117年-项目-测试新利18备用网址-新realities.asp梦想 Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:00:00 -0500//www.phoneitt.com/articles/8658-dream-projects-test-new-realities Dream Projects Test New Realities The original Project Chariot design, for a full scale harbor near Point Hope, Alaska, is shown as the larger outline, and would have been produced with detonations totaling 2.4 megatons. Plans were later scaled down, to call for 460 kilotons, shown here as the inner outline with five explosives. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Dream Projects Test New Realities Two rapid-transit proposals aim to get the attention of the U.S. government: vacuum-tube transport and tubular rail (seen here). Image Courtesy of Tubular Rail Inc. Dream Projects Test New Realities This image depicts the simultaneous detonation of the Project Chariot nuclear explosives. The radioactive dust cloud would have reached 30,000 feet. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Dream Projects Test New Realities Project NOAH is a floating-city concept that would house 30,000 citizens. Image Courtesy of Schopfer Associates LLC Dream Projects Test New Realities This image depicts the sea rushing in to fill the entrance channel and turning basin of the finished harbor created by the Project Chariot explosions. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Dream Projects Test New Realities Many firms are moving beyond planning stages for mining asteroids. Planetary Resources Inc. Dream Projects Test New Realities London's 220-km SkyCycle network would transport 12,000 cyclists an hour. Image Courtesy Exterior Architecture LTD. Dream Projects Test New Realities The electricity produced by TuNur will be transmitted by undersea cable to Italy, and from there supplied to the European system. Nur Energie Ltd. Dream Projects Test New Realities Two rapid-transit proposals aim to get the attention of the U.S. government: vacuum-tube transport (seen here) and tubular rail. Image Courtesy of ET3 Global Alliance Dream Projects Test New Realities The TuNur Solar Farm will consist of towers containing molten salt, surrounded by arrays of heliostats. Nur Energie Ltd. Dream Projects Test New Realities This image, taken from a 1958 film about Project Chariot, produced by the Atomic Energy Commission, shows the planned locations for four 100-kiloton nuclear explosives placed at a depth of 30 meters, and a final shot of 1 megaton buried at 50 meters. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Dream Projects Test New Realities 美军陆军海上农场主义的研究所设想浮动nities consisting of multiple linked floating platforms. Seasteading Institute Dream Projects Test New Realities Dream Projects Test New Realities Dream Projects Test New Realities Dream Projects Test New Realities Dream Projects Test New Realities Dream Projects Test New Realities Dream Projects Test New Realities Dream Projects Test New Realities Dream Projects Test New Realities Dream Projects Test New Realities Dream Projects Test New Realities Dream Projects Test New Realities
Dream Projects: Bering Strait Tunnel Possible With 'Existing Technology' blairs@enr.com (Scott Blair) Image Courtesy of InterBering LLC The proposed 64-mile long tunnel would intersect with two islands to allow for ventilation and construction access. Related Links: Dream Projects Dream Projects Test New Realities A rail crossing of the 51-mile-wide Bering Strait between Alaska and Russia is certainly not a new dream project—the idea dates back as far as the late 1800s. Since then, numerous railroad magnates, engineers and even heads of state have proposed bridge and tunnel schemes to link the Asian and North American continents. In recent years, a tunnel running underneath the 161-ft-deep channel has been the preferred option. In 2011, 1111-dream-projects-bering-strait-tunnel-possible-with-existing-technology.asp Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:00:00 -0500//www.phoneitt.com/articles/8652-dream-projects-bering-strait-tunnel-possible-with-existing-technology Dream Projects: Dynamic Tidal Power Dam Taps Causeway's Hydraulics Exploration and production teams travel to the ends of the Earth searching for energy to power the world’s growing economies. 1112-dynamic-tidal-power-dam-taps-causeways-hydraulics.asp Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:00:00 -0500//www.phoneitt.com/articles/4389-dream-projects-dynamic-tidal-power-dam-taps-causeway-s-hydraulics