在建筑的反馈我们的读者提供了新的视角https://www.新利18备用enr.com/rss/150 en - us 大多数评论爆炸ENR的特朗普社论新利18备用 < p新利18备用 > ENR’ s编辑意见页面用来权衡利弊胜过总统的建筑业,发现缺点严重超过了优点。< / p > http://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/50093 -0400年结婚,2020年9月16日16:52:00https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/50093-most-comments-blast-enrs-trump-editorial 固定价格问题影响工程师! < p >职业责任的律师大卫·喀畅所欲言的项目风险不平衡。< / p > http://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/48294 星期四,2019年12月12日11:28:00 -0500https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/48294-fixed-price-issues-affect-engineers-too 信:Merit-Shop培训教育和提升 < p >评论,“;保持豁免的规则,”;声称建设应该保持排除在美国运输部Labor’提出s规则学徒扩张,因为联盟学徒计划设立了很高的门槛质量培训和收入潜力。< / p > http://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/47492 -0400年结婚,2019年9月11日13:17:00https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/47492-letter-merit-shop-training-educates-and-upskills 信:电池存储火灾隐患,需要更多的关注 本文“火在亚利桑那储能电池吸引审查”(ENR 7/8-15 18页)照亮了锂电池与储能系统和相关的潜在危害和准确地指出,技术“现在让[s]新利18备用 98%到99%的所有新电池类型存储系统”。 http://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/47377 -0400年结婚,2019年8月21日13:22:00https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/47377-letter-battery-storage-fire-risks-need-greater-attention 信:速度相机在工作区域:让他们出去 使用测速摄像头的地方,速度限制人为压低,票出去刚刚超过速度限制。 http://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/40510 -0400年结婚,2016年10月12日11:30:00https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/40510-letter-speed-cameras-in-work-zones-keep-them-out 信:歪曲现实的CM认证 Again, we must take exception to a recent article that misrepresents the reality of accreditation for construction-management programs in universities and colleges in the story “A Big Increase in CMF-PM Fees” (ENR 6/20 p. 44). http://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/40149 -0400年结婚,2016年8月31日09:30:00https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/40149-letter-misrepresented-reality-of-cm-accreditation 信:CM观点混淆重要差异

In her viewpoint column, “Managing the Construction Manager in a Cost-Plus Contract,” Barbara Res expresses a significantly obsolete understanding of agency construction management.

http://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/39679 -0400年结婚,2016年6月15日16:00:00https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/39679-letter-cm-viewpoint-confuses-imporant-differences
信:堤坝失败了澄清 In your story on the Permanent Canal Closures and Pumps project in New Orleans (ENR 5/9 p. 24), with regard to the severity of Hurricane Katrina’s storm surge in Lake Pontchartrain, wave heights were typically similar to those assumed for the design of the structures (IPET, vol. 1, p. 2). http://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/39550 2016年5月25日结婚15:00:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/39550-letter-levee-failture-clarification 信:纽约交通中心并不是一个“水漂” This letter is in response to an ENR article, headlined “Bird of Pay” (3/14 p. 7), and a New York Times article, “Santiago Calatrava’s Transit Hub Is a Soaring Symbol of a Boondoggle” (3/2). http://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/39098 -0400年结婚,2016年3月23日15:00:00https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/39098-letter-the-new-york-transit-hub-isnt-a-boondoggle 信:厘米学校认证并不是一个新现象

The article “CM Schools Boost Standards With First US Accreditations” (ENR 10/19 p. 17) is misleading in its title and inaccurate throughout much of the content.

http://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/37991 坐,2015年11月21日就是-0500https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/37991-letter-cm-school-accreditation-is-not-a-new-phenomenon

I read with great interest your editorial titled “Media Contempt for Construction” (ENR 11/2 p. 92).

http://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/37992 -0500年结婚,2015年11月18日05:37:00https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/37992-letter-cfma-to-contractors-and-agencies-do-a-better-job

It’s too bad that your magazine is publishing articles written by left-wing environmentalists (likely devoid of any science background) making statements like “the very real effects of climate change

0702 -信- - -编辑- climatechangers是construction.asp——杀死 星期四,2015年7月02 12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8150-letter-to-the-editor-the-climate-changers-are-killing-construction

I get a bit amused by articles on “new” construction methods for bridges, such as the following one in Ohio.

0702 -信- - -编辑-有什么新阳光下——————————bridges.asp 星期四,2015年7月02 12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8151-letter-to-the-editor-theres-nothing-new-under-the-sun-for-bridges

Thanks for the great article on Lean and IPD (ENR 6/15 p. 8). It’s very helpful for the design and construction community to have a thoughtful piece for discussion.

0702 -信-编辑-大-转移- - -集成项目需要delivery.asp 星期四,2015年7月02 12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8149-letter-to-the-editor-major-shifts-needed-for-integrated-project-delivery

I am writing on behalf of Skanska USA Building Inc. to express our disappointment in your recent article "Modular Hospital 'Triumph'

0330 - skanska公司-模块化医院mark.asp——故事——错过了 -0400年结婚,2015年3月25日12:00:00https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8148-skanska-modular-hospital-story-missed-the-mark

The modular sector needs less cheerleading and more critical observation, so I thank ENR for publishing this well-researched and informative article. Despite the challenges, the reason the modular sector will continue to grow is because a well-organized plant is a much more productive work environment than a construction jobsite.

1008 -模块化comeback.asp 2014年10月结婚,08年12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8147-modular-comeback

I just read with interest Bruce Buckley's cover story on enhanced productivity, titled "Teams Are Driving Detailed Planning Into Design Phase"

0728 -设计-建造- vs -用asp -0400年结婚,2014年7月23日12:00:00https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8146-letter-to-the-editor-design-build-vs-awp

VFA Inc., a provider of integrated software and services for facilities asset management, capital planning and capital spend management, read with interest the article on the U.S. Dept. of Defense's recent decision to standardize on SMS BUILDER.

1202年联邦-软件-选择- -资产管理-关闭vendors.asp————私人部门 -0500年结婚,2013年11月27日12:00:00https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8145-federal-software-choice-for-asset-management-shuts-out-private-sector-vendors

The latest article, “Hardening Energy Assets” is particularly interesting.However, I’d respectfully point out that an especially important subject that has been omitted.

1112 -信- - -编辑-我们必须解决- - -电力电网的风险-冠-质量- ejections.asp 星期二,2013年11月12日12:00:00 -0500https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8144-letter-to-the-editor-us-must-address-risk-to-power-grid-of-coronal-mass-ejections

The Letters section on page four of ENR's June 4, 2012, edition, in which William Shuzman of the Allied Building Metal Industries commented on an earlier staff editorial regarding crane safety in New York City, gives some numbers that are not correct.

0702 -起重机——数据——wrong.asp 妈,02年7月2012 12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8143-letter-crane-stats-were-wrong
修正 On the Top 100 Design-Build Firms list, HOK, St. Louis, made an error on its survey and was improperly ranked at No. 50. HOK should be removed from the list. Thus, Webber LLC,The Woodlands, Texas, should rank at No. 100, with revenue of $107 million. 0625 - 65279 - correction.asp 星期一,2012年6月25日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8141-correction 信:顺其自然,芝加哥

Any plan advanced by the U.S Army Corps of Engineers or others to re-reverse the flow of the Chicago canal system will hasten the demise of Lake Michigan

0625 -信-去- - -流- chicago.asp 星期一,2012年6月25日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8142-letters-go-with-the-flow-chicago
修正 "BIM Consensus Standard Is a Step Forward but Not a Major Leap Toward Interoperability" should have stated that Nemetschek Vectorworks and Graphisoft are owned by the same company, Nemetschek Group. Also, the headquarters of FM:Systems is located in Raleigh, N.C."Cracks Slow Pontoon Job" erroneously stated Kiewit-General is widening state Route 520 east of the floating bridge. Eastside Corridor Constructors, a joint venture of Granite and PCL, is on that job. Alleged on-the-job drinking did not involve anyone from ECC. 0611 - 65279 - corrections.asp 星期一,2012年6月11日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8139-corrections 董事会的资格 封面故事“董事会更上一层楼”是有趣和好的意义,但它错过了今天要点(导演)任职资格:真实、诚实、道德行为和道德的完整性。哈里·沃特金斯体育工程顾问、退休总统沃特金斯Inc.Birmingham,阿拉巴马州。 0611 -字母资格asp 星期一,2012年6月11日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8140-boardroom-qualifications 关键的选择不需要 加入盟军建筑金属工业公司对你最近的社论的内容感到沮丧”城市安全的起重机,”你建议用户应该de-rate起重机的负荷图每个电梯在纽约默认为一个关键的升力。履带起重机已经有一个标准降低75%;卡车起重机在85%。进一步减少到75%将限制爬虫56%的能力。已经有一个内置的安全系数在制造商的批准图表。起重机一般是负载测试的至少130%的额定容量。进一步减少 0604 -至关重要的选择——不——needed.asp -0400年6月2012 12:00:00 Mon, 04https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8138-critical-picks-not-needed 更正:错误的赌场崩溃的照片 Related Links: Engineering News Record Architectural Record The story "OSHA Points to Process Errors in Cincinnati Casino Collapse" contained errors. The photograph depicted another Horseshoe Casino, which collapsed last December in Cleveland. Also, Messer Construction Co. received its last OSHA violation in January 2006, not May 2006 as the article stated. The violation was to be deleted as part of an informal settlement but remains visible in OSHA's online database. 0507 - 65279 - correction.asp 2012年5月07日星期一12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8137-correction-wrong-casino-collapse-photo 澄清 rubind@新利18备用enr.com (Debra k . Rubin) In the story "As Fluor Turns 100, CEO Seaton Notes Successes, Challenges," the Q&A with Fluor Corp. Chairman and CEO David Seaton requires the following clarifications.A reference to "greenhouse gas" should have instead read "greenhouse-gas regulation."The sentence "The [Obama] administration said it wants to drive gas prices up to push renewables" refers to a 2008 statement by Energy Secretary Steven Chu.The sentence "Fluor has perfected the public-private approach [to infrastructure finance]" should have stated "sort of perfected."A quotation used should have been stated as "You don't earn a penny unless you sell something." 0423 - clarification.asp 星期一,2012年4月23日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8136-clarification P3项目的分包商提出问题新利18备用网址 在回应你的文章,“特别报道:风吹的p3”,美国分包商协会想提高你的意识问题,施工分包商和供应商与公私合作(p3)。具体来说,ASA担心现有的联邦和州法律建立支付保证分包商和供应商可能不适用于通过p3项目资助。新利18备用网址国家机械一般留置权的法律并不适用于在公共土地上建设;然而联邦、州或地方政府经常自己的房地产项目的资金通过p3。新利18备用网址可能需要法定支付债券 0227潜艇提出- p3 - asp问题 2012年2月27日,星期一,12:00:00 -0500https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8135-subcontractors-raise-issues-on-p3-新利18备用网址projects 科学并不困难 相关链接:具体的大学我想应对数字游戏和波特兰水泥协会的“科学”已开始在都铎Van汉普顿的文章报道“具体到学院”(ENR / p 1/23。新利18备用8),代表大会选择筑路材料。也不应该。如果国会议员深入生命周期成本分析(LCCA)由麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)的混凝土可持续发展中心(CSH),利用主成分分析法(PCA)资助,他们会发现沥青路面混凝土路面可笑的两倍。注意,CSH已经使用的理论估计 0220 -不-所以努力科学asp 星期一,2012年2月20日12:00:00 -0500https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8134-not-so-hard-science 明确股票出售 我饶有兴趣地读你的故事“导师Perini书CEO的股票出售。”This could not be further from the truth.The entire story focuses on the removal of restrictions on my stock as if it were all about the sale of the balance of my interests in Tutor Perini [as opposed to] the manner in which the action was [intended, which was] to remove the restrictions so that if I chose to, I could pledge stock for loans, I could use the stock as an asset, or [I could] pledge it for whatever business reasons I needed to. However, at no 1114 - clarityonstocksale.asp 星期一,2011年11月14日12:00:00 -0500https://www.新利18备用enr.com/articles/8133-clarity-on-stock-sale