ENR FutureTech
ENR FutureTech
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SPOT, the Robot Dog on the Job

Having a four-legged robot walking around a jobsite is a neat trick, but what are the real benefits of having a mobile instrumentation platform wandering around? This panel will look at several case studies from Foster + Partners deployment of the Boston Dynamics SPOT robot on projects in the U.K. Adam Davis of Foster + Partners will be joined by Brian Ringley of Boston Dynamics and Raffi Holzer of Reality Analysis firm, Avvir to talk through the possibilities for a little robot dog in the big world of construction.


Adam Davis, Partner - Design Systems Analyst, Foster + Partners
Raffi Holzer首席执行官,Avvir
Brian Ringley, Construction Technology Manager, Boston Dynamics


Jeff Rubenstone资深编辑,Technology & Equipment, Engineering News-Record

