ENR FutureTech
ENR FutureTech
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Project Delivery in a Tech-Enabled World

The building design and construction industry is in the transitional era of learning how to best leverage data. Some firms use building information modeling as a foundation to their services, while others still view any new technology as a liability. This discussion will present past, present, and future innovations in project delivery, with a focus on managing risk through data, and innovative insurance practices made possible by this evolution. The case studies, analysis and visionary thinking will provide firm leaders with insight they need to prepare their companies for the future of data as a risk mitigation strategy.


Alex Jonovski, Principal | Vice President of Strategic Growth, KLH Engineers
Rose Hall, Vice President, Head of Construction Innovation, AXA XL, a division of AXA


Jeff Rubenstone资深编辑、技术&Equipment, Engineering News-Record

