
Become a More Effective Engineering Manager


Engineering professionals are rarely taught management and leadership skills in school. They have to learn these skills on the job or they, along with their companies, will suffer the consequences.

As an Engineering Manager, you are pulled in many different directions throughout your days, and therefore never have the time needed to really focus on improving your communication skills as a manager. The challenge with this routine is that as the saying goes: if you’re too busy to fill up your car with gas, eventually you will run out.

TheENR: Engineering Management Training Symposium, (EMTS) will help you solve this problem by preparing you for the next crucial phase in your career—being an effective engineering leader. You will learn practical interpersonal & public communication strategies that will accelerate your career and make you a more valuable member of your team and company. Choose between a full day, or half day program depending on your schedule.

The Engineering Management Training Symposium is composed of an AM and PM module (or session). In the morning Module (or session) you will learn how toDevelope Effective Communication Skills & Building Relationshipsand in the afternoon Module (or session) you will learnBuilding Expertise, Improving Your Public Speaking Skills & Developing Your Leadership Skills by Engaging the People You Lead.You can register for either the AM or PM module or the full day (both modules).

EMTS is an interactive, hands-on training that will teach you how to:

  • 为员工和客户互动发展有效的沟通技巧
  • Build expertise in your field by becoming a better public speaker
  • 网络有效地建立关系,will yield opportunities for your firm
  • 通过学习更好地吸引您领导的人来发展您内部的工程领导者

Your ability to manage people and projects more effectively will directly impact your career success and value as an Engineering Manager. This training symposium will ensure that you are focused on these critical management skills.

Session 1 – Developing Effective Communication Skills and Building Relationships


If you follow the strategies provided in this session, this one session alone can have a massively positive impact on your engineering career and life.

In this session you will learn how to:

  • Understand the different forms of communication and when to use each of them
  • Communicate effectively with team members
  • Say things in a way that will help you get the response you are seeking
  • Listen more effectively (the key to communication)
  • Be responsive so people want to communicate with you
  • Define networking and its importance
  • Start building lasting relationships
  • Determine with whom and where to network
  • Identify relationship opportunities
  • Create a networking plan
  • Overcome low confidence and language barriers
  • Use social networking appropriately and effectively.

Session 2 – Building Expertise, Improving Your Public Speaking Skills and Developing Your Leadership Skills by Engaging the People You Lead

The competitive market in the engineering industry today is making it harder and harder for companies and individuals to stand out. Your company's brand is one of the most important factors for its overall success. However, engineering organizations aren't alone in the need for stellar branding. Personal branding, the act of building a unique brand around yourself as an individual, is just as important. Just as with company brands, personal branding requires you to develop a specific expertise and a unique voice that customers will recognize time and again.

In addition to building credibility, engineering professionals are rarely taught management and leadership skills in school. They have to learn these skills on the job or suffer the consequences. One of the key components of leadership is PEOPLE. Great leaders know how to engage and inspire people.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How to build expertise in a specific field
  • 要建立个人品牌的具体步骤
  • How personal branding can help you leverage your strengths
  • Why being authentic is key to powerful personal branding
  • What you’re risking in your engineering career by not building a personal brand
  • Help you to realize that you are already a leader
  • Discuss the power of positivity in leadership
  • Provide strategies for seeing opportunities in every situation
  • Give recommendations for utilizing leverage and delegating the right tasks
  • Discuss the importance of earning respect from your peers and get into the details of how to best engage employees and maximize their potential.