ENR BuildTech Webinar Registration
ENR BuildTech

Wednesday, January 27 @ 2:00 PM ET


Building Through a Pandemic

Construction firms striving to work in 2020 while preventing the spread of COVID-19 were faced with shutdowns, cautious re-openings and concerns that jobsites could be virus hotspots. New technologies and health protocols emerged to help them keep working safely, but issues quickly arose around employee privacy, contact tracing, and health record maintenance liabilities. In this webinar, San Francisco-based Peacock Construction, which has been picking its way through this minefield, will brief us about what they’ve learned. Also, representatives from Arup’s New York and Los Angeles offices will explain how they have found opportunity in the pandemic by repurposing a system for startup and handover of complex new facilities. Arup has expanded the system to help clients continuously assess their evolving challenges in a detailed and structured way, and ensure they are always ready for “the next normal,” whatever it turns out to be.

Jeff Rubenstone, Engineering News-Record

Jane Goslett,Associate Principal, Americas ORAT Lead,Arup
Kyle Peacock,CEO, Peacock Construction
Tom Wilcock,Americas Digital Leader, Arup

Learning Objectives:

  1. Figure out how much you should be investing in technology to prevent the spread of viruses on the job site
  2. Understand what to do with sensitive health information when an employee is identified as a potential COVID-19 risk
  3. 了解技术被用于安全地重开45 job sites in northern California
  4. Learn why you should eliminate all paper based check-ins

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