The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) issued a press release last month announcing Parsons Brinckerhoff of Seattle has earned a National Recognition Award for exemplary engineering achievement in the American Council of Engineering Companies’ 50th annual Engineering Excellence Awards, or the EEA, for the development of the Sound Transit Regional HCT System Plan (ST3) for Sound Transit of Seattle.

According to the release, Washington voters endorsed the the $54-billion, 25-year ST3 plan on November 8, 2016. The goal of the project is to reduce the number of annual auto vehicle miles traveled within the region by 362 million miles by 2040, then eliminating more than 130,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions each year.


Awards will be presented April 25, 2017, at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. at the black tie EEA dinner and gala.
Floating Crane Breaks Away
A floating construction crane broke away following a burst of wind March 1 during the current phase of the $4.6-billion SR 520 Bridge Replacement Project in Seattle.


“承包商Flatiron West Inc.目前正在重新评估其程序以防止未来与天气相关的事件……华盛顿州运输部工作人员将根据需要提供反馈,而承包商则在承包商工作以与其员工和分包商的工作进行这些计划修订时,WSDOT新闻稿说。


这不是该工作网站第一次面临事件。2015年3月,运输的管道撞到了一个交通标志,导致管道陷入交通状态并在公共汽车上造成八人伤害。由于这一事件,Flatiron West因职业安全与健康管理局的罚款5,500美元。

此外,在此之前的一周,也是在2015年3月,该项目的另一部分由Kiewit-Keneral-Manson合资管理,一名工人在秋天被杀,该组织被OSHA罚款14,400美元,违规行为和违法行为被罚款。are listed as “under contest” on OSHA’s database.

The SR 520 Bridge Replacement Project has been in progress since 2011 and will continue until 2027. The most recent phase of the project is the replacement of the West Approach Bridge North which is set to reopen summer 2017. The new structure, as stated in the press release, will be safer in the event of an earthquake or other seismic activities. The replacement of one pontoon bridge structure across Lake Washington with another floating bridge, the biggest part of this particular job, was completed in 2016.


Washington State Budgets $1M for Ultra High-Speed Rail Study
Washington Governor Jay Inslee has allocated $1 million in the state’s 2017-2019 budget specifically for a Department of Transportation study of an ultra high-speed light rail system, according to Budget and Policy Highlights released by the state.

The study would look at the feasibility of creating a high speed rail system between Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver, B.C. It would also examine potential stations, environmental impact, technology options, how in-demand the rail actually is, whether or not the line would work in conjunction with infrastructure already within the area, and the overall long-term success of a high speed rail line in the Pacific Northwest. The results of the study will be presented by December 2017 and spearheaded by Mark Hallenbeck, the director of the Washington State Transportation Center, a research partnership between the Washington Department of Transportation, the University of Washington, and the Washington State University as reported by CBC News.

Ultra high speed rail is defined as rail transportation that travels 250 mph or more.


阿拉斯加州Moving Forward With Major Fairbanks Road Project

Originally, Gov. Bill Walker had thrown out The University Avenue project as a cost-saving measure, The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reported. However, the Alaska Department of Transportation announced via press release in March that the project is moving forward with help from federal highway funds.

专员马克·卢肯(Marc Luiken)在新闻稿中说:“在这些艰难的财政时期,我们必须利用联邦资金为建筑项目提供的,这些项目将改善阿拉斯加人的安全和福祉。”新利18备用网址

