Based on data and other information received via our Southeast Top Design Firms survey, ENR editors have selected Dewberry as this year’s Southeast Design Firm of the Year. While this annual designation is not based solely on revenue, a firm showing exception growth over a period of time will definitely catch our eye. And that’s definitely the case with Dewberry.

Over the last couple of years, Dewberry has reported strong Southeast revenue growth via our Top Design Firms survey. For theranking例如,去年4月出版的Dewberry的8000万美元收入总额为同比增长26%。对于下个月发布的最新调查,该工程公司的收益更加令人印象深刻,其2018年东南收入增长了50%以上,达到了1.22亿美元以上。

Dewberry attributes much of that gain to “some strategic hires and critical work we performed for clients supporting communities following the hurricane season.” In 2017, in the aftermath of hurricanes Irma and Maria, the firm provided the Federal Emergency Management Agency with geospatial support, including modeling, imagery analysis and data interpretation.

The firm earned another storm-related contract in December 2018, when the U.S. Geological Survey selected Dewberry to complete a statewide lidar mapping project for Florida. The approximately $20-million project includes airborne lidar data acquisition, ground survey, and preparation of bare earth point cloud and digital elevation models for various applications to support response, recovery and preparation for future storm events. According toDewberry, “The resulting quality level 1 data will be primarily used for hydrologic and hydraulic modeling and many engineering applications by the water management districts to mitigate the impacts of flooding caused by these storms.”

ENR Southeast will provide readers with much more about Dewberry’s elevated regional presence in our April 29 print edition. Finally – It’s still not too late to participate in ENR Southeast’s Top Design Firms survey.Click hereif you haven’t yet filled out a survey.