Unlike the way it is often portrayed, design-build is no Shangri-la or panacea.


And subcontractors will still find that design-build is another way to "game" the system, just like we've seen for decades.

这就是我的意思。Sub data requirements need to be reported to the GC and Owner in proper certified payroll reports (i.e., what areas worked in and what labor tasks were performed on what day). Such timely information is vital to keep scheduling and costs in line and used for future conceptual estimating needs of the public sector.

Right now many of these reports are paper-written, such as those atNew York City's Dept. of Design and Constructionand other agencies. This data is not tied to anything and design-build will not change that reality (in fact it could make it worse). We need a better delivery method, not necessarily faster, more rushed construction.




We have none of this now. Much of current design-build law does not provide for this type of transparency.

最近,我参加了由基础设施合作伙伴游说在P3项目中为设计构建法律进行的小组讨论。新利18备用网址一位小组成员,是宾夕法尼亚州州长埃德·伦德尔(Ed Rendell)的前助手(“最佳价值”竞标的拥护者)表示,选民想要的是一种更好的方法来制作真实,可衡量且可定义的建筑项目。新利18备用网址


In New York State, State Sen. Ken LaValle is a champion of the Alternative Project Delivery bill. It has great promise, with BIM and other reporting requirements to be added enabling design-BIM-construct-data sharing to occur .

The LaValle bill includes a CM-at-risk model. This structure enables subs to have direct contracts with the owners (a preferred method for subs and owners) and to have the CM "referee" the job but also be at risk, and not part of a cost-plus agreement.


实际上,设计构建应被称为设计辅助构建 - 构建(DABO)。请注意诸如Design-Build这样的千篇一律的方法。

As I said before, subcontractors will still find a way to "use" the system, just like we've seen for decades. Let's find a new way forward.