9月20日在纽约市的McGraw-Hill大楼 我们将花一天的时间共同分析建筑行业的风险和回报 。我们可能需要一些学期的工作,但我们将在一天之内尝试并合成它。麦格劳 - 希尔(McGraw-Hill)建设的荣誉是这样做的:我们需要关注现实以及我们心爱的行业的幻想。

As a specialty subcontractor, I'd just like to say, HELLO, we are here!


Only first, lower our monthly retainage to 2% from 10% or 5%, and pay us along the way for proposal and ticket work for which we can now validate our labor costs on.

其他wise the risk-reward ratios for the industry will not change. Thecurrent dispute in the VA Colorado project is an example.


This entity and it's agents should be getting better at what actually happened on the job to understand the effects of design on cost, means and methods, sequencing and the like. This is doable if the labor code data is shared by Subs to create historical databases of Actuals in Assemblies ("AIA").

Owners like to say: "Hey we passed all the risk onto the CM at risk/GC then on to the subs and then just "fuggedaboutit" (NY slang). Uh, hello, have we heard of litigation risk? Have we heard of misinformation and lack of clarity? Owners can bury their heads in the sand if they want as we've heard in the industry on all levels, "Call us when it's over".


Are they aware of the latest means and methods, office and field? Do they know how many hours went into framing or sheetrocking the building?

The answer is no, they don't know but they should.

As so called "Builders," they do conceptual estimating in the public and private sectors. They have no data from the field from Subs to Owners to learn what really happened on their big investment.



That's the biggest risk the industry faces, changing the information requirements garnered from Subs to free up the money and reduce the risks to everyone. Until then we are in a static, protective environment, and nothing really changes, especially after a one-day conference like the新利18备用ENR风险峰会。

However, if we can shine a light on the issues and ignite a discussion to open us up to a new way of doing business that benefits all and grows the industry, then it will be a memorable day and a beginning to the "next things" that we've all been waiting for.
