Small but mighty. That could describe GF55 Architects, one of the more diminutive firms, in terms of annual revenue, that have participated in ENR New York's Top Design Firms survey of engineers and architects.

但是总部位于纽约市的GF55被选为该地区年度最佳设计公司2022年的设计公司,报告了2021年和2020年的收入略有增长,因为世界继续与COVID-19 COVID-19与Covid-19抗争。此外,它的项目旨在为各行各业新利18备用网址的居民提供可持续的社区,即使在外部自治市镇和大都市地区之外。

也许最大的GF55的项目的例子新利18备用网址the walkable, sustainable and community-oriented "NY Satellite City" in New Rochelle, N.Y. GF55 created the master plan to the multibuilding urban development adjacent to Lincoln Park in New Rochelle, which includes multifamily apartment buildings and the new Boys & Girls Club. Children and teens from the neighborhood will have access to the two-story club with facilities such as a gymnasium, fine arts studio, digital content studio, teen lounges, multipurpose social areas, meeting rooms and offices for the community. The 11-story apartment building will provide workforce housing with 179 residential units.


GF55的许多其他项目不仅提供了负担得起的住房,而新利18备用网址且旨在支持当地社区。GF55设计了Richard Pruss Wellness Center,该中心于2021年完成,并作为布朗克斯社区的健康和健康枢纽。84,000平方英尺的设施由Samaritan Daytop村经营,预计有6,000多人访问提供的行为卫生服务范围。


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