
在整个过程中,他总是以质量为导向。总是。当您雇用Don Butcher公司设计(或构建)您的项目时,您知道自己正在质量。

He always stressed the importance of quality throughout every aspect of the businesses, and to reinforce it – lest it not be front and center of our minds at all times! – he brought in memorable sayings and gave us signs for our workspaces. One such sign was about the client:PMCE, which stands for Positive Memorable Customer Experience. He didn't coin the term, but it has been interesting in recent years to see "PMCE" enter the Customer Experience or Client Experience (Cx) vernacular. Perhaps he was ahead of his time, as he was promoting PMCE in the 1990s!

No Chipped Paint


At company staff meetings he would tell the story of Walt Disney visiting a park with his children, who became excited when they saw a carousel from a distance. But when they approached it, they were very disappointed to see that the horses were old, with their once-shiny paint chipping off.

When Disney conceived Disneyland, he wanted to make sure that the disappointment that his children felt at the carousel would not be repeated in the new park. There would be no chipped paint.

For years I had an 8.5" x 11" piece of paper hanging in my office with three words: "No Chipped Paint."


He wanted our clients to have the "Disney experience." Maybe not the wild-eyed wonder of a child entering Disneyland or Disney World for the first time, but nonetheless a satisfying experience that met – or even exceeded – the clients' expectations.

Three decades after I was introduced to the concept, I still catch myself randomly referring to something as "chipped paint" on occasion, and of course people today often look at me with a quizzical look and say, "Huh?"

All Horses Jump

几年前,我决定进行一些研究,发现迪士尼的故事还有更多。实际上,它有多个版本 - 一个版本讲述了沃尔特·迪斯尼(Walt Disney)小时候会经历碎油漆。他排队等候跳上旋转木马,只是对这次经历感到失望。但是,我见过的最多的人沃尔特·迪斯尼(Walt Disney)和他的两个年轻女儿在周日下午定期访问公园。他们迷上了旋转木马,美丽的油漆,其鲜艳的色彩,随着马匹的旋转,卡洛普(Calliope)散发出音乐。


沃尔特·迪斯尼(Walt Disney)从未忘记这种经历的失望,他对迪士尼乐园的非正式愿景“没有碎油漆。所有马匹都跳了。”

Whichever version of the story is correct, the end result is the same: Disney had an unsatisfactory experience and vowed to never let that happen when he was in charge.

Apply that to the experience that clients have with your firm. Is chipped paint a regular occurrence? Do all your horses jump, or are some bolted to the floor? In other words, if your clients' experience is the carousel, what is the ride like for them?

您是否按照“承诺”交付 - 通过您在营销材料,业务发展,建议和项目管理中使用的语言,还是所有的小事情都从整体体验中脱颖而出?

您是否真正提供了经验 - 不仅是工作,因为交付项目不仅仅是拥有“可交付的” - 不断达到或超过客户期望的方式?还是只是一种幻想,导致不幸的客户成为前客户,并警告其他潜在客户有关这种经历?

If your paint is chipped and all your horses aren't jumping, perhaps it is a time to revisit your client experience program and take a page from Walt Disney. One coat of paint won't cut it. You need to walk through your park daily to make sure no paint has chipped over the past day, and to ensure that all the horses are still jumping.