你听到的一个吗firm chasing the big project? It seems that they had a request for proposal (RFP) in-house – one that had a very short timeframe. The client loaded the RFP with lots of specific requirements, particularly in relation to past project experience and personnel experience. Unfortunately, the firm pursuing the opportunity didn’t have a lot of the information readily available, so there was a mad scramble to write a responsive proposal. Ultimately, they submitted a proposal with missing information.

Have you heard that one? Or have you lived it yourself? Perhaps in the past month – or even week!

最后一分钟的冲刺是建筑,工程,建筑(AEC)和环境行业的普遍发生。AEC公司在收集项目信息并将其存储在集中式数据库中只是很差。当然,有一些可用的工具,例如Deltek Vision,Accential和知识体系结构,但是许多利用这些产品的公司无效地纳入了所有功能。

For many of us, pieces of the data reside in myriad places – Word files, In Design files, past proposals, emails, old resumes, archived project folders, etc. And the lack of a single source of “truth” for this content is just part of the problem.

Jeffery Lynch, regional vice president of普尔·安德森(Poole Anderson)建筑,已经发出了十多年的声音!他的公司位于宾夕法尼亚州中部,周围是阿米什(Amish)国家和煤炭国家,他用作收集营销内容的隐喻。





Science tells us that people forget as much as 60% of what they hear or learn within two months, and as much as 90% in two or three years. So should you really trust people’s memories for project experiences more than two years in the past?

On top of these challenges, many times the memory of an organization resides with its marketing and business development staff, and turnover in these professions is a regular occurrence. When they leave, a lot of marketing content walks out the door with them. They move on to something else, and their memories begin to fade.


  • 项目数据(平方英尺,项目交付类型,提供的服务,费用和施工成本,估计与实际情况,变更订单等)新利18备用官网登录
  • 项目叙述(工作范围) - 长格式和短格式
  • 项目建议
  • 项目研究和报告
  • Project challenges and solutions
  • 项目团队成员(公司和人员 - 及其角色)
  • 客户联系人和参考
  • 推荐信,报价和其他客户反馈
  • 项目媒体报道(报纸,杂志,商业杂志,广播,数字)
  • 项目照片和视频
  • 项目图形,平面图,建筑模型,时间表
  • Project stories (less-tangible anecdotes that bring the rest of this marketing content to life)
  • 学到的项目经验教训





But why should you even care?


如果有效地收集了公司的营销内容,则可以保留与竞争对手区分的关键。人们很少记住事实和人物,但他们确实记得故事。不幸的是,大多数项目描述不包括故事 - 它们仅包括数据。


  • 博客
  • 白皮书
  • 实例探究
  • 建议
  • 演讲
  • 价值消息


But X and Y must be highly-relevant to the challenges the client or prospect is facing, otherwise the benefit is irrelevant. And even if they are relevant, they are meaningless unless you can offer some sort of proof that the features can create the value they need.

This proof lies in effectively capturing project information and stories, particularly if you can harvest it when it is fresh!


So how is your marketing content? Do you have this information collected and easily accessible?

Or must your marketing team go mining every time they’re knee-deep in a pursuit, robbing them of valuable time (who has ever complained that they have too much time to create a proposal?) and resulting in questionable or incomplete data?

Perhaps it is time to leave the coal mining in the past and instead focus on farming!


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