虽然传统的“给予季节”仍然是几个月之后的,但大都会巴尔的摩仍然是一个早期的收件人$1.5 billion package of transportation fundingfrom Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) and the state Department of Transportation.

9月4日星期四,“开业”,该套餐包括14英里的6.89亿美元红线东西灯铁路系统,其中519美元将会去construction of the design-bid-build project, scheduled to begin in 2015.

Other major components include$246 million to upgrade Baltimore Metro Subway’s 100-railcar fleet and 15 miles of signaling systems,新的7500万美元的巴士运输和储存建筑,以及1.46亿地址ss traffic issues at two separate locations along often-congested I-695 southwest of the city. Access to two key military installationsFt. Meade in Anne Arundel County and the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Harford Countywill also be upgraded.

The funding is the result of Maryland’s交通基础设施投资法案, passed earlier this year, which indexes the state gas tax and transit fees to the consumer price index. (Exact amounts of future increases are contingent on passage of theFederal Marketplace Fairness Act,目前在国会闲置。)该法案承诺资助新交通项目44亿美元新利18备用网址在未来六年内。

随着红线的公共资金的注入,马里兰州还探讨了轨道,运营和维护设施,轨道,信号,电源和维护等元素的使用公共私人合作伙伴关系(P3S)。P3可能是马里兰州其他主要过境倡议的主要资金机制,the Purple Linein the Washington, D.C., suburbs.