CPM计划和计划工程领域吗?前几天,我正在与国家工程委员会成员讨论这个问题。调节专业工程的州法律(请参阅下面的采样)似乎表明建筑管理,规划和监督的施工被定义为工程。CPM的准备和提交通常在规范01310(OR 01 32 00)中涵盖CSI的MasterFormat类似于其他任何商店绘图。公共卫生,安全,福利或财产是否会受到承包商提交的不当接受或拒绝的威胁?

Does preparing a typical shop drawing require supervision of a licensed engineer? I suggest not. A structural detailer or CPM practitioner (trained in basic theory and software product used) may certainly prepare the shop drawing to be submitted.

对典型商店图纸的评论是否需要对许可工程师的监督?我建议是。这 ”deadliest structural collapse in U.S. history” was caused by the failure of a licensed engineer to properly review a structural detail, leading to the collapse of the Kansas City Hyatt Regency and 114 deaths.



Why do we require professional engineers to be licensed? Because when we make mistakes, we put lives in danger. Or perhaps we merely put the welfare and property (yes that means profits) of the owner, contractor and general public in danger. Is CPM Planning & Scheduling a Field of Engineering? I think yes.

Selected Resources:

德克萨斯行政CODETITLE 22第6部分§131.81Definitions(30) Professional engineering - Professional service which may include consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning, designing, or direct supervision of construction, in connection with any public or private utilities, structures, buildings, machines, equipment, processes, works, or projects wherein the public welfare, or the safeguarding of life, health, and property is concerned or involved, when such professional service requires the application of engineering principles and the interpretation of engineering data.

宾夕法尼亚州法案367§2(a)(1)“工程实践”shall mean the application of the mathematical and physical sciences for the design of public or private buildings, structures, machines, equipment, processes, works or engineering systems, and the consultation, investigation, evaluation, engineering surveys, construction management, planning and inspection in connection therewith, the performance of the foregoing acts and services being prohibited to persons who are not licensed under this act as professional engineers unless exempt under other provisions of this act.

California Business and Professions Code§6701在本法的含义和意图中,“专业工程师”是指从事专业实践的人提供服务或创造性工作的人,需要教育,培训和经验在工程科学领域,以及对数学,物理和物理和物理和物理和物理的特殊知识的应用在咨询,调查,评估,计划或设计等专业或创造性工作中的工程科学,公共或私人公用事业,结构,机器,流程,电路,建筑物,设备或项目以及建设监督,以确保符合规格的目的新利18备用网址并为任何此类工作设计。
