Photo by Home Owner



马萨诸塞州南海岸沿海地区(Google Street View)

When you drive (or in my case, bike) along the coast in Massachusetts, you’ll come across several houses that are being retrofit to make them more resilient. Houses are being raised several feet, basement space is no longer used, and in some cases the structures are raised on piers. I spoke with a friend who lives on the coast south of Boston who had her home raised, and she shared some thoughts about the experience:




我首先求助于我多年来用来改进房屋的承包商 - 重建门廊,改建厨房,重做屋顶 - 等等。该公司一直以合理的价格做得很好。当他们承诺时,他们开始工作 - 稳定工作(除非等待出人意料的延迟子),然后再完成或几乎按时完成。我试图获得其他估计,但没有找到能够/愿意完成完整工作的承包商。我认为并且仍然认为,找到一支“全方位服务”团队来完成这项工作很重要。有很多任务是连续的,或者互锁或相互关联的,以至于零碎的建筑计划或独立的多方建设团队将是一场安排噩梦。

ENR: How was it decided how high to lift your house?


1. Looking at theFEMA忧思科学家联盟的研究(在各种情况下,这给可能的海平面上升的可能范围增加)和


我找不到任何非常清楚的指导。我与中位UCS估计范围合作,然后尝试考虑风暴潮(根据我们以前经历的内容估算值,然后使其更高以增加安全系数)。请记住,您正在举起房屋,以防止未来的海平面上升和风暴潮 - 目前均未受到特定的预测。因此,从这个意义上讲,很难找到具体的指导,因为可用信息充其量是估计值。幸运的是,这房子不在海洋旁边,从海湾有点回来。因此,我们不需要在估计中考虑直接波动。

All along I talked about it with my family, my Love, and other people I respect to get their feedback and views. We settled on a raise high enough to avoid floor water on the first floor for at least 30 years (at which point the house will be ready for a re-do anyway, based on future conditions and technology) and not so high that access to it (with all the extra stairs) would be uncomfortable/daunting.

So, I made what I felt was an informed decision based on as much information as I could get, in consultation with others who had gone through a similar process.

ENR: Can you describe the general process that you and the contractor used to do the work?


  • 咨询您当地的保护委员会有关您的许可和流程的咨询;您可能需要他们的批准和条件命令在开始任何工作之前
  • You'll probably need a certificate of elevation to an Existing and Proposed site plan, and to fill out a form requesting Orders of Condition from your local Conservation Commission. They may need to make a pre-construction site inspection, too
  • 关闭汽油和水(我的工作),并与电气公司合作继续服务(承包商和我)


Photo by Home Owner

  • Prepare the site for the machinery and bring in the beams for lifting
  • 在抬起梁的基础上切下孔


Photo by Home Owner

  • 从强制热空气系统中取出管道工作 - 拆除(将用底板水合电动电动代替)
  • Lift the house - jacks and beams lift it in a day - they gave special attention to my fireplace and flues, which lifted up with the house - We had it inspected after lifting and were told that the flues were intact and brick chimney structurally sound.
  • Pour new footings and install understory piers supporting the center beam
  • 将新基础倒在现有的基础上
  • 放在窗台上
  • 将房子与金属皮带连接到窗台上 - 从林下 - 周围


From FEMA Homeowner’s Guide to Retrofitting, Chapter 5

  • Cut holes for and install smart vents
  • 在地下室水泥地板上切开新孔,以允许潮汐入流和流量
  • Fill to outside grade with sandy mix and gravel.
  • 安装新的门以进行“底层”(我不再想称其为地下室,因为我们不将其用于存储)
  • Run water, electric, gas service
  • 喷在一楼的底面


Photo by Home Owner

  • Reconstruct decks to new elevation
  • 完整的内部调整 - 壁橱在地下室曾经是新加热等地下室。
  • 等到春天检查以确保所有窗户打开和关闭(只有两个窗户略微楔入)
  • Patch any cracks - there were only three small ones!

ENR: What did you need to do to prepare your house prior to it being raised?


I also removed pictures from walls and breakables from shelves. This turned out to be totally unnecessary!




Yes. I'm satisfied with the outcome. During the job, it was a mess! It was complicated and a hassle! It was expensive!! But I feel much more secure and that the house is secured from damage.

Some lessons:


#2. Stay on top of the progress (or lack of) and make sure the contractor keeps your job a priority


最重要的是,我希望读者很幸运能够拥有爱,配偶(也可以是爱)或可以成为恒定顾问的亲密家人或朋友 - 认识您的人,会听您的,理解和分享的话您的目标,并将帮助您完成计划和施工过程中的许多决策和转折点。

House raising may become more common and routine in the near future. You get the sense in the above discussion and in research that there are not yet clear guidelines for how much to raise a structure. But information and approaches for how to do it has been available for awhile. The methods have mostly been used for moving houses and structures to new sites, as opposed to raising them in place.



房屋饲养Final House Photo

工作完成 - 房主的照片