华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving)的短篇小说《昏昏欲睡的空心传奇》(The Sleepy Hollow)讲述的是一位名叫Ichabod Crane的老师。18岁结束时,他住在纽约的昏昏欲睡的空心村庄thCentury. Today, the village is not as sleepy. It is a busy New York City suburb in Westchester County just north of the Tappan Zee Bridge. But in the 18th世纪,Sleepy Hollow是一个偏僻而繁茂的乡村村庄。在故事中,据描述Ichabod Crane是瘦弱,紧张和迷信的。他与竞争对手亚伯拉罕·范·布朗特(Abraham Van Brunt)竞争,为富裕农民的女儿卡特里娜·范·托塞尔(Katrina Van Tassel)的感情。

At the Sleepy Hollow harvest party, Ichabod made a gallant move to secure Katrina’s affections, but he was rejected and Katrina chose his rival, instead. Heartbroken, Ichabod rode on his horse out into the gloomy October night. He was alone in the woods. It was cool and damp. On the dark byways, someone (or maybe it was something) was following poor Ichabod! Whoever it was followed on horseback, dressed in a dark cloak. Ichabod tried to get a look of the rider’s face. But there was nothing to see, because the rider had no head, at least not attached to his shoulders. The horseman carried his head on his lap.

Terrified, Ichabod kicked and urged his steed forward into the damp, dark mist. The headless horseman followed close behind. Use your imagination- you can hear the hoofprints echoing in the damp woods. The race proceeded to a bridge next to the Old Dutch Burying Ground. Ichabod wished to cross to safety, but unluckily for him, the headless horseman made it to the bridge first. The horseman hurled his detached head at Ichabod and knocked him off his steed. Ichabod retreated in panic.


As this is a legend, probably there was no headless horsemen. Some noted that the horseman was in actuality the victorious Abraham van Brunt, and he was not headless but he chased after Ichabod with a jack-o-lantern in his hands. All commentary does confirm that there was a bridge. A key question from the legend then is: what happened to the bridge?

In present-day Sleepy Hollow, Route 9 crosses the Pocantico River near the Old Dutch Reformed Church. The bridge is a closed spandrel wall concrete and masonry arch bridge that was built in 1912. This is not the bridge at which Ichabod encountered the headless horseman, having been constructed many years later. But a New York State historic marker identifies the crossing as the site of the original bridge.



Some researchers have commented that the实际的桥梁和位置在东部,上游. The bridge may have been a timber pony truss, similar to the one below:

Original Sleepy Hollow Briodge

Original Sleepy Hollow Bridge

迪士尼做了short cartoon film about the storyin 1949. The film shows a covered bridge. But this is unlikely because there were not known to be any covered bridges that far south in New York State. The bridge was probably a timber pony truss like the one above. This structure is thought by some historians to be the actual bridge that inspired that part of the story.

Headless Horsmean




Pocantico River bridge By Daniel Case - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

你可以在公园里漫步end of October, in the forlorn, desolate woods not far from the busy village. Blazing jack-o-lanterns guard the windows, and young ghouls and goblins scurry for treats. The trees are bare and the terrain is damp. It is late at night in the middle of the woods, and a cold and forbidding wind rustles the fallen leaves. Somewhere in the distance you hear what sounds like hoofbeats on the damp ground, getting closer. It is time to hide under a good, safe bridge.