Very recently, my household finally upgraded from free TV with bunny ear antennas to paid cable TV. I understand that this is still one level of technology behind the state of the art, since now everyone watches streaming TV. Technically it is not even TV anymore, since you watch on your smartphone, tablet, or soon have it beamed directly to your neural holographic implant. But as a dedicatedLuddite,即使有升级,我仍然是背后的技术水平。我想这是我的Luddite证书。


Farmers Only Dot Com


Preface the rest of this discussion with the note that I am not interested in dating, being happily married for 33 years. Back in the day when I was dating, I didn’t need to or even have the opportunity to use on-line dating sites, since there was no on-line dating, or on-line for that matter. So I met my future wife the old-fashioned way, and of course there was a nice bridge in the background the first time we met.

Although I am not personally a part of the dating scene, as a professor I am occasionally called upon to provide non-structural advice for my former students. Or, maybe I butt-in a little more than I should and they put up with it. A former student that I will call “Karl” is superbly talented and a real excellent guy. A true catch (anyone interested out there- send me a separate message)! But over the years, he has had on and off success in the dating world. So, as Professor长舌妇试图协助,教授想知道为什么没有针对结构工程师的专门在线约会网站。那会是什么样?因此,教授(我)想知道,一个新的在线约会网站的设置将是什么,该网站名为“仅结构工程师Dot Com”?

To start with the obvious: bridges are for connecting, so the graphics at Structural Engineers Only Dot Com would focus on bridges. Instead of personal photos, participants would include pictures of bridges they designed. These structures would need to be actual bridges and not photo-shopped graphics in an attempt to artificially pump up the designer. And we all know of those structural engineers that claim online that they designed the Mackinac Bridge, but it turns out to be more like a Clapper, orworse.

Mackinac Bridge

Mackinac Bridge by Justin Billau - Flickr: Mackinac Bridge, CC BY 2.0,

Clapper Bridge

史蒂芬·库恩(Stephan Kuhn)的拍手桥

One may object to this approach of featuring bridge pictures, since it does not focus on the candidate’s physical appearance, which may be considered more important for dating. But if you think about it, it makes sense to focus on bridges. Physical beauty is shallow and skin deep, but a well-designed bridge is forever. So, compatible bridge designs are a better indicator of potential success for a long-term relationship.

Once an initial connection is made via Structural Engineers Only Dot Com, it would be time for the first date. Engineers are not well known forexcellent social skills, so the new web site could provide assistance here as well. A first key decision would need to be made:steel or concrete? With that important decision made, the website would provide guidance in a group of topics that could help as ice breakers. For example, if the selection was for concrete, then appropriate sub-topics would include f’c, accelerators, and long term corrosion. After the first date (and hopefully there would be a second date), more advanced topics could be broached. For bridge designers, participants could discuss the appropriate way to design abutments. But, of course, that would not be discussed on the first date.

工程is (somewhat) objective and rational. So, the opportunity is for Structural Engineers Only Dot Com to introduce a whole new level of rational thought and approach to a process that is inherently non-linear and irrational. And how excellent would that be! At Structural Engineers Only Dot Com, my former student, “Karl”, and others would be treated to a new way of dealing with the old problem, but in a way very much in keeping with the comfortable and more measurable world of engineering thought. Let’s hear it for metrics!

But in the back of my mind, I am thinking that maybe the engineered approach will not be so successful for everything. So perhaps there is not a market, after all, for Structural Engineers Only Dot Com. Therefore, my former engineering students will need to dip their toes in the sea of irrationality. Such is the life beyond the confines of AASHTO.

