利兹决定在日本骑自行车。由于骑自行车是我最喜欢做的事情之一,因此我想了解更多。事实证明,在日本各地的骑自行车中,您还必须越过许多主要桥梁。因此,现在我真的很想了解更多。然后,我发现利兹(Liz)骑在塔塔拉桥(Tatara Bridge)上,这是我最喜欢的桥梁之一,也是我的桥梁桶清单上。所以我现在不想找到更多,但实际上正在旅行。但是由于这不是一个选择,我问Liz是否可以分享她的一些经历。

塔塔拉桥塔塔拉桥 - Shikoku Tours https://www.shikokutours.com/attractions/ehime-prefecture/points-of-interest/tatara-bridge

Question to Liz: How did you decide on your biking trip?


自行车游览吸引了我几乎所有方面都喜欢旅行的方式。我喜欢慢慢移动,我喜欢在外面,我相信当您真正为他们出汗时,景色会增加100%的壮丽。我喜欢在骑自行车之旅和在外面睡觉的情感旅程 - 寒冷,潮湿,单调,痛苦,抵消了冒险的快感以及您在成就中感到骄傲。这次旅行最终变得更有意义。我喜欢不确定性,并且知道我将不得不依靠陌生人的慷慨。


I second this description. There is no better way to experience a place than biking across it.

Liz, why did you pick Japan?


I’m always wanted to go to Japan, but I know that it’s an expensive place to travel. I’ve read that biking is really popular there, and it’s a good choice for bike touring (especially for a beginner like myself) for several reasons: the roads are in excellent condition, drivers are respectful and cautious, campsites are plentiful and inexpensive, the countryside is beautiful, and you never have to travel too far to find water or something to eat. I really really love to eat, and when you’re biking all day long you can eat whatever you want, and probably tastes better too! Japanese food is fantastic. Another huge bonus of bike touring in Japan is the huge number of hot spring ("onsen") and public baths ("sento"). There’s nothing better than sinking into a hot Japanese bath after a long day of cycling.


塔塔拉桥Bikeway - photo courtesy of Liz Cherchia






乡村的老年人对这次旅行非常友善和好奇。我的一位旅行的朋友讲的是像样的日语,但我的日本人仅限于简单的要求,问题和食物 - 因此,关于旅行的对话是这样的:

“ Jitensha Deska?”(您是骑自行车的吗?)

“海!福库卡·卡拉(Fukuoka Kara),萨波罗(Sapporo)模式。”(是的!我们从福冈开始,我们要去萨波罗。)

“ ehhhhhh?Segoi ne!”(哇!真棒!)


Mostly, the trip was an incredible lesson in self-reliance. It sounds cheesy, but I learned that I can endure more, accomplish more, and rely on my own body more than I thought I could. It was a lesson in finding a sense of equanimity through the ups and downs of the trip. Because as amazing as it was, there were times that were hard or painful or boring - biking all day in the rain, biking up a mountain in a snowstorm, ending up on dead end roads and having to take long detours.


塔塔拉桥t sunset - photo courtesy of Liz Cherchia


The trip across the inland sea, from Onomichi on Honshu to Imabari on Shikoku only took a few days (from March 22 until March 25). The inland sea is crossed by三个路线,每个人都有令人惊叹的令人jaw目结舌的桥梁。其中一条路线包括Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge,目前是世界上最长的跨度。利兹的路线包括塔塔拉桥的穿越。

Cable stayed bridges are more common now, but the Tatara Bridge, which opened in 1999, was completed at time when the modern form was still relatively novel. The structure features many technical advances, and its long span leaped into the territory that would normally have been a suspension bridge. In fact,该设计的较早版本计划是悬架跨度。今天的趋势正在持续,因为电缆固定的主跨度继续挤出竞争,跨度的长度增加。


塔塔拉桥 - 照片由利兹·切尔奇亚(Liz Cherchia)提供

In addition to its technical excellence, the Tatara Bridge is beautiful. The site is scenic and spectacular, with mountain ranges meeting up with the sea. It is possible to botch a bridge crossing at this place, but the Tatara Bridge succeeds in gracing its site. The span is slender and gossamer, and the towers perfectly proportioned. In a certain light, it looks like you are crossing on air and not a bridge. Much in the same way the Golden Gate Bridge creates a spanning spectacle for its place, so does the Tatara Bridge amplify and glorify its surroundings.

Liz writes that her group crossed from Onomichi to Mukoujima Island and over to Innoshima Island to camp. She remembers just as she was biking up to the Tatara bridge to cross to Innoshima Island, her left pedal fell off. It had been ever so slightly cross threaded and slowly ground out the threads inside the crankset. Luckily, their campsite was just off the bridge, so she walked her bike across and then coasted down the hill to the campsite. One might conclude from this part of the story that fate was in play here, because the pedal failure provided even more time to experience the greatness of the bridge.

第二天,利兹(Liz)将自行车带到公共汽车站,乘公共汽车回到穆库吉玛岛(Mukoujima Island),乘渡轮穿过Onomichi。这变成了整天的事,她需要更换整个曲柄。但是,到一天结束时,她回到了自行车上。

Liz writes:

TheShimanami Kaido很漂亮 - 许多可爱的海岸线,这些岛屿以柑橘类水果而闻名。我们吃了莫奇,里面塞满了新鲜的橙色,在每个休息站,供应商似乎都在给我们水果。我们在一个4人帐篷里扎营。在今年年初,我们有点冷,但是我们使它起作用了。

