In the movie business, summer and holiday blockbusters are mostly either two hours of explosions or Disney cartoons. In between is the award season, when the adult films are shown. Last year’s award-nominated crop included the movie, “La La Land” which is an update of a traditional Hollywood musical.

La La Land


The plot concerns two striving young artists who sing and dance their way into the limelight. The opening number takes place on a freeway overpass. The principal characters, who haven’t met and fallen in love yet, are trapped in a monumental Los Angeles traffic jam. Up until this part, the movie is realistic- it’s a traffic jam. Then whimsical movie musical magic takes over. The characters pop out of their cars and start singing and dancing on the pavement. Traffic jams are pretty common on LA freeways, but breaking out into song and dance on them is not.

The scene was filmed using an actual freeway ramp which wasactually closed downto film it.

What is perhaps more fantastic than that is the film’s depiction of Los Angeles. The LA of La La Land is an urbane, pleasant place with defined streetscapes. In this LA, everyone sips coffee at cafes and walks everywhere (because, you can’t tap dance inside your car). When not hoofing into the next musical number, the stars pine and emote along tree-shaded, backlit sidewalks with nary a fast food joint in sight. It is a fantasy movie of sorts. At the planetarium, the dance number lifts off the ground, literally, and the star-crossed lovers float in space. But back on earth, the movie makers have created a version of LA that doesn’t really exist. Or, it exists only in really small doses in between the stark reality of the parking-lot strewn, freeway crossed, sprawled out glopscapes of the Valley.

LA Overhead

雷米·乔安(Remi Jouan)的照片,CC BY-SA 3.0

音乐剧不应该密切反映现实,这部电影是逃避现实的,在其故事,歌曲和舞蹈中以及对南加州的乌托邦视野中的完全喜悦。该情节在最后是完整的圈子,如果您还没有看到它,我不会透露细节。但是,基础设施扰流板警报:最后还有一条高速公路,还有一个交通拥堵,加利福尼亚现实的注入驱动了最终的苦乐场景。La La Land参加了几项奥斯卡金像奖,包括最佳图片。在颁奖典礼上的某一时刻,它实际上赢得了最好的图片雕像。但这也是一个短暂的幻想,因为获得该奖项的人失败了她被分配要做的一项任务那天晚上。

So the award floated up into the ether, and the next day, Los Angelinos stacked up on the freeways, and no one danced.

For 2019, the Academy has debated发明新奖项类别to drum up more interest. At this time there is not a category for “Best Fantasy Reinvention of a City Landscape” but if there was, the movie would have been a lock for that trophy.