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The students are mostly happy on the last day of class- no more pencils, no more books, no more teacher’s dirty looks.Also, no more homework assignments.If it’s winter break, great.If it’s summer break, double great.对于一个学生来说,生活变化夏季模式:warm, sunny, sleeping to 2:00 and mostly non-hassled.

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For the professor, the last day of class is also nice in a way, at least after all the grading is done.But it’s melancholy as well.I tell my students that on the last day of class, they get to hear the “sappy speech”.It goes something like this:

Dear Students:

“We’ve been together for the last three months.After today, that’s it.I’m a little bit sad.In a way, a class is like a community or a family (maybe adysfunctional family).We are together in this shared function where I get to teach, and hopefully you get to learn.Usually it’s interesting and fun because of the excellent quality of the teaching.

“But now, it’s done.It was a blip in time, a collection of personalities and goals that came together in this way.It was a snapshot.I’ve enjoyed our class [sidenote- if I didn’t enjoy the class, I don’t mention this part].I hope you have a great break with lots of concrete [sidenote- I teach concrete].Best wishes for a great summer and let me know how things turn out for you.Unless you end up inprison.”

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