A while back Iblogged arguing that “hardhat”is a slur, and I’ve been second guessing ever since. It got me thinking of years ago when I worked for Laborers Local 1058, and of one particular day.


“You’re makin it too wet!” yelled Bobby, a finisher, as he squinted at a splatter of cement the truck driver sent down the chute so Neal, a cement tester a bit older than me, could check the batch. Neal hustled, filling the test cylinders. Everyone stared at him impatiently. It was 90 degrees, with a thick, stupid, Steel Town humidity.

“Got his job cause his dad’s a whitehat,” muttered someone, I think it was Vann, a buff 40-something hard-charging laborer who I admired. Some guys grunted agreement, then glanced at me, though Vann was talkin about Neal. Yeah,I remembered, Got my job cause of my dad, who's a whitehat.




“夫妇混蛋……是的,看看我们是如何跑过去的?这个工会是一个兄弟情谊 - 您帮助您的兄弟或姐姐。”他说。


我在Hardhat博客上收到了一封电子邮件,那个人说他自1980年代以来就听到了关于工作的术语。这让我认为也许我had在RT上工作时听到了。65.然后,在那天晚上离开健身房的时候,我看到一个家伙在附近的一个项目中停在了一辆Steamfitters Union卡车上。我问他“硬汉”。Steamfitter说,我不介意。但是,我问,你们互相打电话给对方。不,他说。

Aside from that summer nearly three decades back, all of my many years of trades work were nonunion. It occurred to me that maybe “hardhat” and “whitehat” are union words; which reminded of stratification within the trades, and that unions are blue-collar elite. When I was growing up, union jobs were passed down in families, and you had no chance at one if you weren’t kin. With Local 1065, I made $12.90 per hour, a good wage back when. These days in Pittsburgh, which President Obama has called a model for local economic make-overs, it’s common to see contractors hiring laborers for $10 hourly, or less.


My childhood friend Tom, a former union insulator, now is a foreman for a moving company. Chatting with him the other day, he said his boss would soon have a week-long job near me, if I wanted extra cash. I asked how much it would pay, though I really had no interest in the job.


I made more with 1065, nearly three decades back. And the fact is, $25 hourly is more than the hourly rate paid for stringers by some prominent local and international media for whom I’ve worked. So from where I sit, it’s hard not to see depression of wages across many sectors.

We have an economy based on a presumption of steady continuing growth, yet wages have been stagnant or declining for generations. And it’s gotten us recession after recession. So I say phooey to whitehat and hardhat and other labels. We need to do a better job of expanding the economy by spreading the wealth, regarding each other—union and nonunion—as brothers and sisters.