If subs (including individuals) are willing to work no matter what and how they are paid, that's okay. Contractors can make a lot more profit.
They have never heard of anyone getting caught or jailed for using misclassified employees.
And no, they don’t know or care what worker misclassification means.
Stan Marek, chairman and CEO of Houston-based Marek Brothers Family of Companies, knows what it’s like to compete with this kind of contractor, the kind that refuses to play by the rules. Marek’s doing all he can to fix the problem, including visiting with U.S. Senators and speaking before the Texas legislature.
You can watch and listen to Stan's February 12, 2013 appeal to the Texas State Legislature at this locationhttp://youtu.be/xllg0n0puse
“No workman’s comp insurance means they rely on emergency rooms for care,” Marek says. “If someone comes into an ER with an injury, they don’t try to find the ‘employer.’ They chalk it up to indigent care and then charge the heck out of those of us who have health insurance."
像移民和枪支管制一样,我们已经制定了许多法规。任何认为这是新事物的人都应该看一下IRS培训课程,标题为Independent Contractor or Employee?It’s a 160-page course athttp://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-utl/emporind.pdf
如果您想查看更多最新的东西,国税局上个月在该主题上更新了其网站http://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-&-self-employed/indeppentent-contractor-(self-employed) - 或employed) - 或employeee%3F
Worker misclassification, or payroll fraud, is when a company incorrectly classifies an employee as an independent contractor. Paying someone that way, using a 1099, can save a company a lot of money. Unlike a properly classified worker, employers of these workers don’t pay for overtime, Social Security, Medicare, health benefits, vacation, Workers Comp, unemployment tax, etc.
Three groups suffer when employers staff their companies this way.
Second, all of us taxpayers suffer from the missing millions of dollars in tax payments and the missing health insurance coverage that forces some independent contractors to rely on public health services, paid for by taxpayers.
第三,您想如何与拥有较低但非法的间接成本结构的公司竞争?不幸的是,许多GC和所有者对Marek Brothers等合法承包商的投诉充耳不闻,因为他们试图解释为什么他们的出价高于较低价格的非法竞争对手。
That’s another reason why the number of cheaters is growing due to minimal enforcement by buyers and the government. Why go to the expense to pay overtime over 40 hours if nobody forces you to?
最近,斯坦会见了纽约参议员查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)谈论工人错误分类。他保证该话题将包括在即将举行的有关移民改革的讨论中。这两个主题是交织在一起的,因为许多错误分类的问题涉及无证件的移民工人。利用工人身份的公司需要有力的理由来改变其行为。
此外,2010年9月,前参议员(现为国务卿)约翰·克里(John Kerry)和许多共同提案国,介绍了“公平竞争场法”。http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d111:SN03786:@@@D&summ2=m&。同年,众议院制定了《员工错误分类预防法》,http://www.washingtonwatch.com/bills/show/111_hr_5107.html。HR 5107 is no longer current. It was reintroduced in the current Congress as HR 3178, with the same name.
在德克萨斯州,州参议员约翰·卡纳(John Carona)于2月20日提交了一项法案,可能有助于阻止工人错误分类。您可以跟上法案的最新进展http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/billlookup/history.aspx?legsess = 83r&bill = SB676
The University of Texas recently published a study on the realities of what companies are doing. It found that 40% of workers are misclassified. The study is athttp://constructioncitizen.com/sites/default/files/build%20a%20better%20texas.pdf
关于立法进展的绝佳信息是http://constructioncitizen.com,,,,where journalist Scott Braddock and many others have come together to bring awareness to this issue.