
ODOT董事Kris Strickler在一份声明中说:“这个办公室的创建不仅表示ODOT致力于解决各方面的拥堵,还标志着我们的新业务方式。”“该机构将加强其在高速公路部门超越高速公路部门发展的努力,专注于为所有用户提供运输选择,通过社会公平的视角做出决策,并确保公平地获得运输选择和为我们各地的社区和个人提供的经济机会状态。”

From the outset and in the near-term, the new office will oversee the Interstate 5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project, the Interstate 205 Abernethy Bridge Project and develop a tolling and congestion pricing program for the region. As ODOT continues to plan for the future, the new office, announced in January, will play a key role in the shaping of the future of the Portland area’s transportation infrastructure efforts.

As part of the creation of the office, ODOT named three individuals to lead the effort. Brendan Finn was selected as the director. Finn most recently served as the transportation policy advisor for Gov. Kate Brown after spending 19 years at the City of Portland where he was chief of staff for Portland City Commissioner Dan Saltzman, who oversaw the Portland Bureau of Transportation. Finn starts March 1.

Della Mosier was named the office’s deputy director. With over 20 years of transportation experience, the last 10 in ODOT throughout the state, Mosier starts in her new role immediately and brings with her an engineering perspective. “Della brings an exceptional technical and project-focused background that will allow us to accomplish innovative things and expand our ability to manage the transportation system differently,” Strickler says.

表明ODOT在创建收费系统上的重要性是新办公室的领导团队的第三名成员是收费计划经理Lucinda Broussard。她带来了20多年的收费经验,领导了佐治亚州和华盛顿的收费计划。布鲁萨德(Broussard)于2月1日从办公室开始。

Rose Quarter项目甚至在各种团体开始,对扩大高速公路的容量表示担忧之前,已经击中了全州范围的障碍。那些要求对该项目进行更多研究的人包括地方政府新利18备用和地方学校董事会。布朗在12月正式要求ODOT暂停该项目并进一步研究。新利18备用

尽管Rose Quarter项目从2017年的州法案中获得了资金,但在波特兰以南的Abernethy桥上的工作没有明确的资金模式,这可能会迅速带领该州进入通行费世界。


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