

With research led by AECOM, the plan includes capital costs, operating efficiencies, optimization of construction sequencing to minimize disruptions to ongoing operations and mitigation of air quality, noise and lighting as criteria for determining the feasibility and sequencing of container terminal potential at the Port of Prince Rupert.

“进行这项工作确保我们清楚地低估了未来的终端开发潜力,并为我们的集装箱业务的未来做出了愿景,以应对鲁珀特亲王港口不断增长的市场需求,”总裁Shaun Stevenson鲁珀特亲王港口管理局的首席执行官在一份声明中说。“研究中确定的终端开发潜力可确保我们可以满足加拿大出口商的短期,中,长期供应链需求,同时继续提供无与伦比的覆新利18备用盖范围,可靠性和速度托运人,这已经期望。”

主计划总结富潜力rther expansion of Fairview Terminal and the development of a second container terminal at the port’s South Kaien Island site all remain viable. A second terminal could add 2.5 million TEU and was identified as the next phase of terminal expansion. The port announced in 2018 a project in conjunction with DP World to increase current capacity of the Fairview Container Terminal from 1.35 million TEUs to 1.8 million TEUs. That project is scheduled to finish by 2022.

Both the Fairview and South Kaien Island sites sit close to the expanding export logistics operations center on Ridley Island and will fully integrate operations following construction of the Fairview-Ridley Connector Corridor by the end of 2020. In November 2018, Port of Prince Rupert received nearly $22 million in funding from the Canadian government to support the $100 million Fairview-Ridley Connector, a five-kilometer corridor that will provide a physical platform for two new rail sidings and a private-haul road between Fairview Container Terminal and Ridley Island Industrial Site; $3.7 million for engineering and design for future expansion of the port’s road rail utility corridor; and $3.2 million for the engineering and design of Canadian National Railway’s (CN) mainline entry and exit to and from the Gateway.

DP World和CN都支持港口的扩张工作。CN的总裁兼首席执行官JJ Ruest在一份声明中说:“鲁珀特亲王港仍然是CN供应链和国际市场的重要组成部分。”“该战略港口为主要市场提供了铁路连接,其持续扩展将进一步巩固港口作为世界一流门户的位置。我们最近创纪录的资本投资进一步支持了我们对将加拿大自然资源和消费产品安全有效地推向市场的承诺,而鲁珀特亲王的门户是该战略的关键。”

One of the fastest growing ports in North America, the Port of Prince Rupert handled a record 1 million TEUs and 30 million tons of cargo in 2018. The port expects to become Canada’s second-largest port within the next five years, trailing only Port Metro Vancouver and passing Port of Montreal.


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