
ENR’s National Top 20 Under 40 were selected out of nearly 400 entries received this summer during the regional Top Young Professionals competition. These nominees represent all parts of the construction industry and came from all 50 states, Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico. Panels of independent industry judges in each of the 10 regions selected up to 20 winners to represent that region. Profiles of all these winners will be published early next year in each regional magazine.

The highest scoring candidates from each of the 10 regional contests were then scrutinized by a new panel of judges to select a national Top 20 Under 40 list that represented the best of young leaders from across the country. Special thanks to this year's team of jurors:

  • 曼哈顿建筑公司业务发展总监John Hero,
  • FCI Constructors Inc.项目经理Lucas Marone,
  • Megan Schulze, project manager at Dewberry and a member of ENR’s 2020 National Top 20 Under 40.

Look for an in-depth feature next year that will showcase these winners and their perspectives on issues affecting the construction industry today.


If you know an outstanding candidate for next year, don’t miss your chance to submit an entry to ENR’s regional Top Young Professionals competition when it goes live next summer. For more information about the contest, visitwww.新利18备用enr.com/top-young-professionals.

ENR's 2022 Top 20 Under 40 class is listed below in alphabetical order by last name. Congratulations!

  • 约翰•科斯特洛本金,Client Executive, IMEG Corp., Minneapolis.最初提交给中西部新利18备用
  • 图帕克·德拉·克鲁兹(Tupac de La Cruz),洛杉矶大草原的所有者兼创始人,屋顶解决方案。最初提交给德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州新利18备用
  • Diego de Veyga, Senior Project Manager, Myers & Sons Construction, Concord, Calif.最初提交给加利福尼亚州ENR新利18备用
  • Alandren Etlantus,阿尔伯克基Bohannan Huston Inc.高级副总裁。最初提交给西南ENR新利18备用
  • Chris Fletcher, Project Director, McCarthy Building Cos. Inc., Henderson, Nev.最初提交给西南ENR新利18备用
  • Ariel Greenlaw, PE, Section Manager - Traffic Engineering, HNTB Corp., South Portland, Me.Originally submitted to ENR New England
  • 曼努埃尔·霍约(Manuel Hoyo),波士顿Skanska USA大楼校长。Originally submitted to ENR New England
  • Mara Johnston,纽约州耶利哥的Keystone Global校长兼联合创始人Mara Johnston。最初提交给纽约ENR新利18备用
  • 杰夫·金(Jeff King),马里兰州贝塞斯达(Bethesda)Clark Construction Group LLC副总裁。Originally submitted to ENR MidAtlantic
  • Anne Kuechenmeister,部门经理 - 计划,Michael Baker International,Lakewood,Colo。最初提交给Enr山州新利18备用
  • 丹佛PCL建筑美国通信公司总监Stephanie McCay。最初提交给Enr山州新利18备用
  • Erin Murphy, Environmental Services Manager, Atlanta, VHB, Atlanta.最初提交给东南新利18备用
  • 加利福尼亚州纽波特海滩DPR建设高级项目经理Alicia Loh Ortiz。最初提交给加利福尼亚州ENR新利18备用
  • Jennifer Pangborn, Assistant Vice President/Midwest & Plains Traffic & ITS Manager, WSP USA, St Louis, Mo.最初提交给中西部新利18备用
  • Adam Paulitsch, Associate Principal, Populous, Kansas City.最初提交给中西部新利18备用
  • Jennifer Anna Pazdon, Vice President, Cast Connex Corp., New York.最初提交给纽约ENR新利18备用
  • 马萨诸塞州伍斯特市Tighe&Bond Inc.项目经理Daniel O. Roop。Originally submitted to ENR New England
  • Heather Wyld, Project Manager, Senior Engineer, CHA Consulting Inc., Albany, NY.最初提交给纽约ENR新利18备用
  • Bobby Youngblood, Director of Engineering, PCL Industrial Construction Co., Katy, Texas.最初提交给德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州新利18备用
  • Leila Zheng, Bridge Engineer, Transportation Business Group Alternative Delivery Resource Manager, HDR, Olympia, Wash.最初提交给西北ENR新利18备用