Despite all of the challenges of living and working during a pandemic, the Indiana Department of Transportation completed a record $2.08-billion investment in more than 1,400 capital construction projects on Indiana's state highway system last year.

The editors of ENR are proud to name INDoT ENR Midwest's Owner of the Year.

除了对大型资本项目的适当计划和资金外,Indot还足以利用2020年的停机时间。COVID-19的交通影响使其能够重现大新利18备用网址约20个州公路建设项目。最重要的重建涉及一个项目,以取代印第安纳波利斯州70号州际公路上约75英里的人行道和28个桥梁甲板。Indot授权Milestone Construction一次在一个方向上关闭施工中的所有车道,以更快地完成工作。这种重新调整将项目的完成时间减少了三个月,并节省了约350万美元的纳税人。

Last year, INDoT reconstructed or rehabilitated 750 bridges and replaced approximately 700 miles of pavement on the state highway system. It made a $462-million investment in 560 local road, bridge, sidewalk and trail projects.


I-69终点线正处于完成之前的最后阶段. It is the longest interstate extension project currently under construction in the nation. I-69 Finish Line is the sixth and final section of the Interstate 69 connection between Evansville and Indianapolis. The project upgrades the existing State Road 37 to interstate standards from Martinsville to Indianapolis. The project eliminates more than 200 at-grade crossings and driveways, constructs or rehabilitates over 70 bridges, builds 35 miles of new local access road connections and adds 10 new interchanges. The I-69 extension is the realization of 75 years of studies and discussion about an improved, multi-lane highway connecting southwest Indiana. The route is expected to generate a $4.1-billion economic impact in 20 years. When work is completed, I-69 will run continuously from the Canadian border at Port Sarnia, Mich., to Evansville, Ind., with Indiana an important piece of the planned national corridor.

INDoT's second major project last year was the I-65/I-70 North Split Reconstruction. The project reconstructs the I-65 and I-70 interchange in downtown Indianapolis. As one of the most heavily traveled interchanges in Indiana, many structures have exceeded their service life after nearly 50 years in operation. The approximated $383 million project replaces 32 aging bridges and 27 miles of pavement. Comprised of four sections — the south leg, west leg, east leg, and interchange — this design-build project replaces all pavement, reconfigures the busy downtown interchange into three levels, eliminates two ramp movements, replaces numerous bridge structures, installs a new drainage system, improves local streets, and provides new aesthetic and landscape features.

Read the March issue of ENR Midwest for a full story on how INDoT met the challenges of 2020 and turned a bad situation into one that allowed the agency to thrive and even save money for taxpayers.