
The American Institute of Steel Construction continues to drill downstream in the supply chain to ramp up e-commerce in the structural-steel sector. Though still pushing for the sharing of steel building information models between the engineer of record and the fabricator, AISC is greasing the wheels of digital automation by issuing a call for steel suppliers and producers to jump on the bandwagon of its electronic steel purchasing initiative.

供应商Gerdau的国家建设解决方案国家经理Matthew J. Gomez在3月25日举行的AISC 2015年北美钢制建筑会议上,供应商Gerdau兼AISC技术集团主席Matthew J. Gomez说。-28在纳什维尔。

AISC的电子订购企业 - 其中之一Bimsteel" e-commerce initiatives—is called the Common XML Schema for the Electronic Procurement of Structural Steel (steelXML). AISC collaborated with the Digital Building Laboratory at the Georgia Institute of Technology to develop the steelXML schema—a standard specification that maps the transactions and communications workflow between buyers and suppliers of structural steel.

根据SteelXML计划,制造商将不再需要通过传真或电子邮件附件订购钢,这两个都需要多个数据输入。AISC信息技术计划主任卢克·福克纳(Luke Faulkner)在会议上说:“所有时间的手动数据输入都加起来。”

Suppliers also are suffering from by-hand paperwork. One supplier said that, in his shop, the sales force spends 40% to 60% of its time on data entry and re-entry.



同样在会议期间,AISC发布公众审查AISC 358标准草案,命名为2016年的特殊和中级钢矩框架预审连接,用于地震应用。提交标准评论的截止日期是5月11日更新2010年版本以及2011年和2014年的补充。

在2016年的AISC 341标准(结构钢建筑物的质量规定)中,AISC打算首次包括多层支撑框架的规定,例如工业厂和没有连续地板隔膜的机库。这些规定定于本月送交AISC规格委员会进行投票。

Under the steelXML initiative, fabricators that use management information system/material resource planning software from participating vendors, which to date includeFabtrol系统,,,,FABSUITE钢铁管理软件,,,,construsoft的strum.i.s。,,,,Ficep Corp.的钢铁项目新利18备用网址andRomac Computer Services Inc.,不必进行任何编码来实施电子采购。Faulkner说,只有编写自己的MIS/MRP软件的制造商才能添加代码。


最大的问题是,迄今为止,只有三个供应商必须将XML转换器编码为其软件以供制造商使用SteelXML,就可以在船上:Gerdau,,,,基本金属andNucor Corp.
