Photo courtesy John Deere
新的John Deere 1050k爬行者Dozer现在免费提供五年的基本远程信息处理服务。

Members of the Association of Equipment Management Professionals are working on a certification app for the standard telematics code the group has developed for construction machinery.

“这就像一个很好的客房封印,”位于科罗拉多州格伦伍德的执行董事斯坦·奥尔(Stan Orr)在7月14日的电话采访中告诉ENR。新利18备用“我们要确保我们的成员(设备客户)得到了他们所被告知他们将要获得的东西。”


“我们认为它会这样起作用:我将测试供稿发送给该程序,该程序自动说:'是的,您是合规的'或'否,需要查看此代码行,” Orr解释说。,补充说,AEMP仍在为该集团的远程信息处理标准寻求国际认证。

AEMP is considering offering the certification program as a web-based tool that could generate additional revenue for the group, which includes fleet managers of major construction firms. The program is due to be out by the end of the year, Orr noted.

由于最新的AEMP标准是去年发布的,制造商和售后供应商一直在扩大其telematics offerings。Most recently, John Deere expanded the base subscription for its JDLink Ultimate telematics service on July 7 to five years from three for production-class machinery.

