
The industry is now in a period of steady growth. While many firms are disappointed the recovery from the recession was not faster, most believe the current growth rate will continue at least through the beginning of 2016. But with the growth on the top line, many firms worry about the bottom line.




While survey respondents generally believe the overall market will continue to pick up steam over the next 18 months, many believe the market will begin to level off in three years. This quarter, 58% say the current market is growing. When asked their opinion on what the market will look like in three years' time, only 45% of the execs polled thought the market would still be growing.


The second-highest-rated market, multi-unit residential, is showing surprising strength at 75, up one point from the second quarter. Many execs believe this robust market will begin to falter in the next year to 18 months.

Confidence in the infrastructure markets rebounded in this quarter. Transportation was up four points, to 64, and the water-and-sewer sector rose six points, to 66. Several execs said government funding of infrastructure will become more stable and begin to rise after the November elections.


新泽西州普林斯顿建筑金融管理协会最新的Confindex调查的即将发布的结果表明,人们对承包商的业务基础知识越来越担心。CFMA对总承包商,分包商和民事承包商的200 CFO进行了调查。

While a Confindex rating of 100 indicates a stable market, higher ratings show growth is expected. "Our Confindex fell by two points, to 127 [on a scale of 200], for the third quarter," says Stuart Binstock, CEO of CFMA.

宾斯托克(Binstock)指出,CFMA调查的“整体业务状况”和“年度前景”组成部分下降了最多,分别降至143和130分。他说:“ ConfIndex的一部分下降是,从经济衰退中恢复并不像我们的成员预期的那样强大。”

The drop in confidence in the CFMA Confindex contrasts with the growing confidence in ENR's CICI index. However, part of the reason for the divergence is that the indices look at the market from slightly different perspectives.

"The overall market has been growing, raising the top line. However, our members are becoming increasingly worried about the issues that come with a growing market: inflation and skills shortages, which raise operating costs that directly affect the bottom line," says Anirban Basu, CEO of economic consultant Sage Policy Group Inc., Baltimore, and CFMA economic adviser.




Financial institutions also continue to provide project financing. In this quarter, 39.7% of CICI respondents said credit for project financing was easier to obtain than six months ago, up from 33.9% last quarter. However, only 4.9% said they saw any tightening in project financing.