
Reality capture has been a foundation of design and construction since the age of chains and transits. Now, the technology is rapidly improving in sophistication, automation and integration.

在最新的示例之一中,宾夕法尼亚州埃克斯顿的本特利系统公司(Bentley Systems Inc.将3D模型达到城市规模。


“多亏了集成在宾利,我们会的be able to provide more vertical solutions, which will be useful for the entire infrastructure life cycle," says Jean-Phillipe Pons, CEO and co-founder and, with Renaud Keriven, of Acute3D prior to the acquisition. Both are now software development directors with Bentley.

"We have a grand vision called reality modeling," says Styli Camateros, a senior vice president for Bentley's infrastructure products and civil and geospatial lines. He notes that devices, such as cameras and drones, that are capable of capturing photos and accurate geometric data about physical objects are proliferating "in a big way," and Acute3D will let users "very quickly" convert their images into 3D models. "Not only is their product great, but we intend to put it in all of our products," Camateros says.

Smart3DCapture produces 3D models from photos by analyzing images of a static subject taken from different viewpoints and identifying pixels in the separate images that correspond to the same point in a scene. With enough point correlations, an accurate 3D shape can be inferred.

一家建筑,工程和地理空间公司的总部位于俄亥俄州代顿的国家安全计划经理约瑟夫·塞普(Joseph Seppi)表示,他的公司自去年夏天以来一直在使用Acute3D,发现它与非常大的图像集效果特别好。Seppi说:“那里还有其他一些产品,但没有其他产品也可以正常工作,或者在涉及数万甚至数十万个输入图像的大型项目上。”新利18备用网址


“它的特殊之处在于,模型的质量非常好。我们研究了其他一些产品和开源工具。他们要么做得不好,要么做得很好,但无法处理大量数据。” Seppi说。

Bentley's Camateros says "We think it is a core functionality that will bring a lot of value."

Bentley Systems创始人和CTO的Keith Bentley在有关收购的声明中,观察到:“ Acute3D使任何人都可以通过相机充分捕获现有条件。与工程模型相同的几何习惯上,在本质上产生3D“现实网格”,很容易使真实世界的环境对齐。”