杰夫·鲁本斯通(Jeff Rubenstone)/新利18备用恩
Sketchup产品经理John Bacus展示了3D工具在Trimble Dimensions上的新功能。

The latest version of the '3D modeling for everyone' application SketchUp was demonstrated at the Trimble Dimensions conference held in Las Vegas November 3 to 5. In addition to a few notable improvements under the hood, the latest version of the popular 3D design tool is compatible with Trimble Connect, Trimble's cloud-based platform which can share design files across a range of Trimble applications.

"The association with Trimble Connect makes SketchUp an even more profoundly useful tool," says John Bacus, product manager for Trimble SketchUp. "Now we have not just data on models in an interoperability schema that people understand how to use in the industry, but we've also got a space where we can distribute that data—share it with other people, mash it up with others' work, from structural engineers to civil engineers or whoever needs to contribute to the project."

根据BACUS的说法,Sketchup将在构造中看到使用的用途,而超越了Trimble Connect的初始草图和设计。“在施工阶段,总会有一些问题需要解决。Skutsup可以是解决该小野外条件的工具,就特定的衣架放置或闪烁的细节达成共识建筑物。”

The 2015 edition of SketchUp features some upgrades to meet these new demands. The application is now capable of 64-bit memory addressing, an update that should improve performance and stability, particularly when loading large, complex files. SketchUp 2015 has several new drawing tools including the ability to draw rotated rectangular polygons to any angle, a much-requested feature according to Bacus. SketchUp also now supports the IFC file format, the platform-neutral standard supported by many BIM software suites. "Now we can ingest and emit data in the IFC format, and I think that's an important interoperability moment for SketchUp," says Bacus.

在硬件方面,Sketchup 2015现在与Trimble的V10 Imaging Rover兼容,这是一台全景工作场相机。“我们现在与Sketchup的V10进行了集成,因此您可以在施工站点的中间脱颖而出,点击V10摄像头上的按钮,抓住全景图像,通过Trimble Business Center应用程序进行处理,然后在Office中进行处理。并创建一个素描模型,其中包含用相机校准位置拍摄的所有照片。” Bacus说。“使用此Sketchup模型,您实际上可以开始探索照片的空间。”

虽然Trimble计划保持免费版本的SketchUp可用,但该公司已开始在Sketchup Pro Pape版本中添加特定于交易的工具。MepDesigner是在尺寸上宣布的Sketchup模块,旨在用于MEP交易中的轻型设计工作。Trimble的MEP部门总经理Patrick Bohle说:“该产品的第一代将针对电气交易。”MepDesigner还将与Sketchup的3D仓库合作,这是由Sketchup用户创建的3D模型的免费在线存储库。Bohle说:“仓库中已经有大量的MEP内容,包括制造商创建的内容。”“因此,您可以找到使用的实际照明元件并将其放入模型中,然后将其与导管和接线匹配。”

Trimble于2012年从Google获得了Sketchup,将工具带回了其建筑设计根。对于自开始以来就一直在Sketchup的Bacus而言,该工具的主要目的保持不变。“我们发明了Sketchup对每个人来说都是3D,将建模和设计沟通带到广泛而广泛的受众中。我认为,对实践专业设计师重要的功能正在变得越来越复杂。设计要求变得越来越复杂,“ 他说。
