A cloud-based project-management system has added building-information-modeling management to its 2D-based workflow. Aconex has an eye on enriching models with life-cycle data by giving access and annotation capabilities to project participants via their browsers.

The firm's new "Connected BIM" feature now is integrated with Autodesk Revit. Other integrations with Trimble's Tekla and Bentley's MicroStation are in development. Revit users can publish models from the design software directly into the Aconex ecosystem for management within the context of the common data environment and project collaboration workflow. As the project evolves, subcontractors can attach information about a facility, such as equipment data and warranty information.

"This allows the parties to attach data, and, ultimately, the model will get a richer and richer data set," says Rob Philpot, an Aconex co-founder and senior vice president of products and engineering. "We are connecting this model data with the rest of the project team and connecting the model with all of that information."

Philpot suggests that BIM should be an information model about all features of a building, not just the design. "It's way more than the model data you get out of Revit or Tekla," he says.

澳大利亚Probuild构造设计经理Aleks Baltovski是新功能的Beta测试人员之一,澳大利亚的设计经理说,好处包括能够在三个维度上可视化项目,并将文档寄存器中的文档连接到模型。他说,它提高了现场效率,帮助利益相关者了解他们的目标并促进了协作。他说:“连接的BIM是实现成功的BIM项目的中心。”新利18备用网址“它运作良好。”