根据营销服务公司Hinge 2008年的一项研究,在所有专业团体中,建筑师,工程和建筑公司在营销上的花费最少(3.1%)。新利18备用

 While the building professions are loathe to print brochures, nearly all have websites. And nearly all operate on a local or regional level. Given how easy and inexpensive it is to optimize a website for local search to help prospective clients find you, it's hard to understand why engineers and builders wouldn't take advantage of local search engine optimization.

 As far back as 2004, local search accounted for up to 25 percent of commercial activity on the Web, according to a Kelsey Group study.

根据营销服务公司Hinge 2008年的一项研究,在所有专业团体中,建筑师,工程和建筑公司在营销上的花费最少(3.1%)。新利18备用

 While the building professions are loathe to print brochures, nearly all have websites. And nearly all operate on a local or regional level. Given how easy and inexpensive it is to optimize a website for local search to help prospective clients find you, it's hard to understand why engineers and builders wouldn't take advantage of local search engine optimization.

 As far back as 2004, local search accounted for up to 25 percent of commercial activity on the Web, according to a Kelsey Group study.

不难理解原因。得梅因(Des Moines)的建筑师可能有网络存在,但他不太可能在克利夫兰(Cleveland)设计许多项目。新利18备用网址如果丹佛建筑物中存在结构性问题,那么匹兹堡的工程师并不是建筑物的所有者所需的。主要的搜索引擎知道这一点。各种地理位置技术都融入其算法中。因此,当计划在得梅因(Des Moines)进行翻新的人搜索“建筑师”时,三大搜索引擎之一可能会弄清楚该人的位置(IP地址是一个指标),并将当地建筑师的网站推到顶部结果。


好吧,它适用于搜索引擎所知道的建筑师,在得梅因(Des Moines)中,在优化本地搜索时,其中的大部分智慧是:定义区域。


It's a pity more businesses don't know about and take advantage of local search, which can level the playing field considerably between large national businesses and small local providers.


A down-and-dirty (as well as highly effective) technique to optimize for local search is not to rely on a single "contact" page for local information. A local business can add a footer to every single page of its website that contains its street address, city, state, zip code and local phone number, including area code. It may also be appropriate to include a location in page title tags as well, e.g., Smith, Brown & Jones Architects, Dallas/Forth Worth, Texas.

Chicago's leading structural engineers serving all regions of the Chicagoland area. Our engineering projects span Lincoln Park, Lakeview, Wicker Park, the South Side, Old Town and the Near North Side of Chicago. We also serve the Chicago suburbs of Evanston, Glencoe and Highland Park. 

No one in the Chicago area ever refers to the region as Northern Illinois. But if they did, you can bet our fictitious engineer would have cobbled the state's name into his keywords as well. He's betting on the fact his customers aren't just searching for a "Chicago engineer" in a town that big, but are winnowing their searches down to a more localized level, such as a neighborhood.

请记住,本地就像本地一样。邮政编码10019中的纽约人想要订购披萨。纽约是一个大型但高度集中的城市地区。该市很少有居民愿意旅行以上的披萨多几个街区。相比之下,在蒙大拿州或新墨西哥州,客户可能愿意为同一派开车里程。Yahoo Local知道这一点,并按距离进行分类。

本地搜索优化的第一步是确保您的业务与主要的搜索引擎以及Internet黄页(IYP)列出,这是搜索引擎使用的许多本地数据的来源 - 以及其他在线目录和上市服务。他们有正确的信息吗?您的列表是否链接到您的网站?在单个都会区中具有多个位置的企业可以从每个位置拥有单独的目录列表中受益。

不要忽略诸如CitySearch,Superpages,Judy的书,Yahoo Local和BuilderSpace.com的流行目录服务上的本地列表,以及Boston.com和Nola.com等地区网站(由主要报纸经营),Shoplocal,Chamber of Chamber of Chamber of Chambers of Chambers of Chamber,地方贸易协会和其他业务团体。

You can emphasize locality by adding a page of detailed directions for finding your business or office location (this information could also be added to your contact page). Write these out in detail:
Smith & Jones Engineers, serving N.Y., N.J. & Conn., is near the Wakeland County Shopping Mall in the Bellevue neighborhood of Lakehurst, Conn. To find us, drive west on Hometown Drive past the Grangeville Civic Center, then turn left on Elm Street. You'll find us at 425 Oak Street, Suite 201, Lakehurst, Conn., 12345.

Add a link to a map service (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Mapquest, etc.). And when linking to the directions page, "click here for directions" isn't good enough. Instead, use "click here for directions to our Lakehurst offices."

丽贝卡Lieb是数字营销顾问author of a best-selling book on search engine optimization.
You can write her directly at rebecca.lieb@gmail.com

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