ENR:What’s the biggest problem facing the construction industry and how can we solve it?

伊恩·豪厄尔, (CEO of Newforma Inc.):The construction industry is forecasted to grow to 11% of global GDP: a $12-trillion industry by 2020. McKinsey Global Cities research suggests that by 2050 we will need twice as many buildings as today.





Howell:Yes. We want everyone on a project team to have access to the same information that the Master Builder would have had. And it’s not just about uploading all the data to a single data source. We believe that information on large and complex projects will always be distributed but that it needs to be accessible by anyone who needs it from any design office, on the job site or from a mobile device. We’re trying to offer that.

We agree with Albert Einstein when he famously said, “ you can’t solve today’s problems by using the same methods that got you there in the first place”. The conventional approach to project delivery is to use on set of tools for project management (tracking RFI’s, Submittals, Change Orders, etc) and another set of tools for Information management (such as Email for collaboration, Microsoft office, spread sheets for estimates, BIM for coordination of geometry, etc).

What makes the construction industry unique is the “situational team” – different companies that find themselves working together as a team just for the duration of a single building project, each with their own back office systems using different technology ( I use Revit, oh, I use Bentley, oh, I use Graphisoft all working on the same project).


Howell:整个项目团队的更多访问权限到更好的沟通和决策的完全相同的信息。并非所有在云中的一个工作区中的一个服务器 - 但是在联合会的基础上,团队成员对其公司网络上所需的信息进行本地访问,以及同样容易访问其他团队成员的共享信息。项目信息应该能够在某些公司的前提下,或者根据他们希望如何工作,以其他公司托管。这是技术公司,解决所有这些信息是如何无缝管理和共享的(我们通过我们的NewForma-to-NewForma技术实施)。







Howell:对于移动我们特别做了。我们与30天免费试用的想法发挥作用。或者用户会得到这么多的东西,如30 rFi的RFI。像你这样的想法可以免费获得50个计划,但51styou have to start paying for. But at the end of the day we’re in the project business. It’s all about enabling teams around projects. So we decided let our users try our mobile apps on a project and get the full experience of it. Also, if a contractor or owner decides to host a project on Newforma Project Cloud then the whole project team can use the apps for free—on that one project.

ENR:What kinds of questions are customers asking about data security in general in the cloud?

Howell:有些客户希望在云中托管项目,并且有些人只想管理他们的项目新利18备用网址项目。作为我们客户的技术合作伙伴,我们必须提供选择(即使是单一项目),并管理项目团队每个成员之间的项目信息的协调和分享。例如,Beck作为设计 - 构建公司在NewForma项目云上寄出所有内容。特纳喜欢在NewForma项目中心的企业服务器部署中管理他们的新利18备用网址项目。他们的公司政策 - 即使他们正在竞争建筑公司 - 工作完全不同。我们的设计客户必须能够无缝且轻松地与它们合作。解决问题是一个艰难的问题。但我们有一个解决方案。

ENR:百分比 - 智能现在,你在做了主要的内部服务器吗?
