

首先,消除建筑行业的“ DBE经纪人”名称,并仅证明合法的常规经销商。承包商实际上是经纪人时与非法DBE合作的定期经销商,继续被起诉。







朱莉·德·阿戈斯蒂诺(Julie D’Agostino)是总裁,凯瑟琳·沃克斯曼(Kathryn Wachsman)是JMD Building Products的副总裁,JMD Building Products是一家由纽约市认证的弱势企业企业。可以通过212-256-1830与他们联系。

From a financial perspective, the argument is even clearer: Because contractors already working on razor-thin margins can only apply the amount of a broker’s markup to the established DBE goal, material is seldom – if ever – purchased from brokers in the heavy construction industry. After hundreds of conversations with contractors and other suppliers, our firm has yet to hear of an instance where a contractor knowingly purchased material from a DBE supplier acting in the capacity of a broker. Eliminating the broker designation poses effectively no risk to legitimate DBE regular dealers while cutting unneeded and costly red tape.Third, remove from the shoulders of contractors the burdensome and expensive responsibility of determining who is a legitimate, regular dealer providing a commercially useful function. That determination should rest with the state certifying agencies where it logically belongs. Placing a single state agency with this responsibility would provide a more cohesive and consistent interpretation of the policy. State certifying agencies would no longer spend exorbitant time and funds evaluating brokers who illegally pose as regular dealers. Instead, their primary function would be to evaluate a supplier’s commercially useful function to determine legitimacy and compliance as a regular dealer. Contractors would still be required to conduct due diligence, but it would be much more limited.