
The shortage must be solved at the local level, but first we need a national strategy. In mid-February, President Barack Obama wrote a letter of apology to Ann Johns, an art history professor at the University of Texas.


The president was responding to an e-mail he received after a Jan. 30 speech in Wisconsin in which he had encouraged the expansion of training programs: "A lot of young people no longer see the trades and skilled manufacturing as a viable career, but I promise you, folks can make a lot more potentially with skilled manufacturing or the trades than they might with an art history degree."



美国商务部长潘妮·普利兹克(Penny Pritzker)和劳工部长汤姆·佩雷斯(Tom Perez)很好地总结了这一点:“良好的劳动力发展是良好的经济发展。”每个社区,县和州都可以从拥有强大的劳动力中受益。当地劳动力策略的核心是更好地表达教育模式,并将这些模式直接与职业道路联系起来(例如,在仍在高中时参加社区大学课程)。关键是使这些连接尽早。

Here is a framework for grassroots efforts that can be implemented locally: Awareness + Connections + Solutions = Employment.

The awareness must start within the industry. It is not just about the need for students or teachers to see the opportunities available in construction (though their awareness is critical too). It is also industry's awareness of local training and apprenticeship programs, of the schools that offer training and of the needs those schools have and how our industry can help them.



If our industry hopes to recruit its share of the talented individuals who want to learn a skilled trade, then we must begin coordinating our efforts to find solutions now.