一场风暴在上海酿造时,雨水经过纤细的椭圆形窗户。新闻报道片段标记为有史以来最糟糕的袭击这座城市。艾伦·张(Alan Zhang)看到他的飞机正靠近朴区域的摩天大楼灌木丛,烟雾笼罩着烟雾和巨大的暴风雨。长江通常被货船和渡轮堵塞,是空的。飞机越近,艾伦感到不安。这个地方看上去已经死了,一个幽灵小镇。



Alan took out his cell phone and watched its screen load. No service. The plane halted. He looked out of the window to see the terminal was just a vague shape at the edge of his vision.

No service, no traffic whatsoever. It couldn't be. Not now. Not at this crucial stage. Those years of work. If this was what Alan feared, the city was at risk for billions of dollars in damage.

去年,2058年10月6日,上海以艾伦(Alan)和工程师团队开发的“菲比(Phoebe)”形式推出了其宏伟的技术飞跃。该网络实质上运行了所有内容:电源,沟通,运输,交通管制 - 它的手在每个关键系统中,它的构建是坚不可摧的。如果现在失败了,他的职业生涯,他的钱,尊严 - 吉。一切都结束了。座带标志缠绕。艾伦(Alan)站起来,长途飞行中的双腿麻木。飞机的出口坡道开始从后部突出,露出雨水跑道。艾伦(Alan)看到一辆黑色SUV正在等待。驾驶员俯身从窗户倾斜,在将香烟甩开之前,将其拖走。

Once Alan was in the car, the driver sped away, leaving the plane in its own ring of light, surrounded on all sides by thickening fog.

They had just left the deserted landing strip when Alan saw all the evidence he needed for his failure to be certain. It was the highway—stretching far into the hazy distance were empty cars. "Driver," he said, leaning forward. "What happened here?"

“我不知道,”他说。“一会儿,一切正常,或者像在这里一样正常,然后。”他打了个方向盘。”混乱。火车不奔跑,电源熄灭,汽车停止工作 - 每个人都感到恐慌。你只等待一个小时不过,也许两个,情况会变得更糟。有一场风暴即将来临。我听说一百年来最大的一场。

"Where are we headed now?" Alan asked.

“ Zhenzhu,”驾驶员回答。“不确定为什么。如果这取决于我,我会把这辆车带到这座城市的远处。”

所以他们前往珍珠:珍珠。菲比's first major project utilizing a fully automated crew of machines controlled through its 3D mapping software. It was supposed to revolutionize the industry through its maximum efficiency. How fitting, Alan thought, for his career to end where it started.



The car stopped. They had arrived. "Listen," Alan said. "I need you to round these people up, try to find a higher elevation. I'll try to help, but, well, there's only so much I can do." He didn't wait for an answer, popping the car door open and running for the lobby of Zhenzhu. He knew exactly where to find Father.

地下室是昏暗的,一排排的桌子cluttered with computers led to a wide bank of monitors. Pale-blue images showed an eerie view of Shanghai's streets. Alan could already see sewers overflowing and the banks of the Yangtze swell. Father watched this display like a priest at his altar serving mass to an empty church. "They are calling it a freak of nature." Father turned toward him. "An unalterable twist of fate. You know what I call it? Virtual espionage so precise, so deadly, it will not only cost me this," he said, raising his arms to encompass all of Shanghai, "but the lives of thousands. Can you imagine? We have given ourselves the power of gods, but we remain so unfailingly human. Animals that have exchanged the bow and arrow for tools that exist outside of our physical perception." Father turned back to the monitors, his body only a blue-tinged silhouette. "Beautiful."




"Them," Father said, flicking a hand back at the monitors showing growing numbers ofpiaobó。"I believe the expression is two birds, one stone." He began walking toward Alan. "It was not hard drawing them here … a whisper of help planted here, there," he released his balled-up hand with a wave, like a magician conducting a trick, "and they are like flies drawn to light. Creatures who know it is all an illusion, yet accept it, for what else do they have in the darkness? What do they find there, really?" He shook his head. "If I am to fall with this city, I will cleanse it of the filth in the process, remove the useless waste that clings to the soul of a great nation." Every word was like a direct blow, hammering in a buried hate that Alan had only seen glimpses of before. This was the mentality that built an empire spanning dozens of countries, a construction corporation that was the future, the culmination of years of work. Would this be Alan's legacy? A man that would sacrifice thousands of lives for a footnote in the history books?


A moment. That was all it took. Alan tapped the screen.




"Why?" he said. Then, darkness.


Conor McFadden正在芝加哥洛约拉大学攻读新闻学位。他对写作的兴趣始于很小的时候,并受到作者斯蒂芬·金(Stephen King)和戴维·米切尔(David Mitchell)的影响。他曾在福特汉姆准备学校的文学杂志迷宫中担任编辑,其中一些作品被出版了。McFadden还在Loyola Phoenix发表了工作。当他在2013年夏季特纳建筑公司(Turner Construction Co.)担任实习生时,他对建筑行业及其对世界的影响。

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