哈利腔和他的手指悬在th站在一起e button, waiting for the order.

他想起了所有这些开始的时候,当他所做的一切是Potestas Energy的R&D部门的主管。实验性电源,寻找下一个可再生能源的来源。这是一种安静的生活,一件安静的工作,正在寻找一种避免他们的解决方案。

那是直到Armand Fresnel。菲涅尔(Fresnel)是一位来自Ecole PolytechniquefédéraledeLausanne的粒子物理学家。他和他的团队一直在尝试光子压缩。他的假设是,当压缩到两种纳米内时,光将改变其与物质的基本相互作用。使用表面等离子间引入铝的纳米颗粒,光线与电子结合,菲涅尔会产生他所谓的硬光,这是一种能够构建任何刚性结构的微观材料。


Make it work.


ENR Construction Science Fiction ContestPotestas didn't care; they were sold on the idea, the ability to create matter from light, the commercial applications, the patents and the dollars. The bigwigs gave the green light for the first containment station, a plant that could create the combined output of eight nuclear power stations. They were going big, they wanted to show off the miracle, and they began planning the project, long before the testing phase was over. Spades broke ground in Quincy, Mass., 16 kilometers outside of Boston, on August 3, 2009. The plant was completed in a decade; they never thought twice about it, about the risk.

Phase-two testing was already completed by the time the station opened a year later. Harry had been in Wyoming, web-conferencing with Fresnel in Bern, as his team constructed Hard Light conduits in the mountains. Armand wanted to see his baby run, never mind walk. Everything was large scale; everything was rushed—too fast, too soon. Harry put his concerns forward but only collided with an ever-growing ego.

So they tested it. Distance 2 kilometers, diameter 5 meters. On a sunny July day, in the Grand Teton National Park, at 2:15 p.m. MST, Harry's team sheared a mountain in half. The first Hard Light bridge killed 400 people in a nearby town. Potestas called it "a tragic landslide," while behind closed doors it was hailed as a triumph.


Four years on, Harry's finger lingers over the button. How has it come to this? This was supposed to be the beginning of a bright new age, the inaugural day, the big opening. Still he waits for a decision.

Only this morning, he felt so different, so excited. Years of work, researching, testing, hoping—this was the moment when he could finally feel pride, feel that those lives in Wyoming weren't lost for nothing.

He and the rest of the team had gathered around the television, sitting in the control room in Quincy; final checks on the containment field complete, they all watched intently as the razzmatazz began. Tens of thousands had gathered, lining the streets, filling the parks as they scrambled to see the giant screens, desperate to catch the first images of "the big switch-on."

They had all bought the hype, gobbled up the press releases, read the details in every newspaper. The Trans-Atlantic Bridge connecting the U.S. to mainland Europe was 5,075 kilometers, end to end. Capable of carrying 1.5 million vehicles per day. Two conduits, one in Gloucester, Mass., the originator, the other in Porto, Portugal, the receptor. The beam containment field powered by the plant in Quincy. The people believed the Potestas mantra, that the miracle of Hard Light would change the way we viewed the world forever.

Potestas had spared no expense, building a podium in the center of Boston from which Fresnel delivered the opening speech, finally having his moment. Flash bulbs sparked as Armand fielded questions about technical details of the bridge:


"The containment field holds the compressed photon stream in place, and the light wave follows a geodesic, the shortest path between two points in space. As the Earth's gravity would bend the light, the containment field works twofold: by straightening the flow of photons to form a rigid pathway and by compressing the photons into a solid plane."


Three hours later, there were 20,000 vehicles making their way over the Atlantic. Families, husbands, loved ones, all part of the bright new future, pioneers one and all. It was magnificent, the project had worked, the champagne was flowing in Boston, and Harry was starting to relax.


Harry knew what it was. They all knew. Months of calibration, working out scenarios, safety countermeasures; there wasn't one of them that did not recognize the alarm. The reactor core was overheating. However, the second alarm was a lot more serious.

Harry ran a diagnostic, confirmed it with his colleague, and then ran it again. Same result. There was no contingency for this; it had not even crossed their minds that the reactor vessel might rupture. Radioactive material was venting into the containment building, and it was only a matter of time before a full breach occurred. Harry made the call.


"Is there anything you can do to stop it?"

"Yes. We cut the power," Harry said.


"The bridge is tapping too much juice. We never tested it with that much traffic. The energy usage has spiked and stayed at an unsustainable level. If we don't turn it off, the reactor will go into meltdown."

The official paused for a moment. Harry could hear that his breathing had quickened.

"There are over 100,000 people on that bridge. You cut the power, they all die."

"I understand that. There are 4.9 million men, women and children in the Greater Boston area. If we let the core go, you're looking at multiple airborne radioactive plumes. It would be a Level 7 event," Harry answered as calmly as he could.

There was another pause.



So he sat there, waiting for an answer, his finger hovering over the button that would call an end to everything they had worked toward. Waiting.



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