
这不是即兴的讨论 - 我是所有者与我要辩论的人有关的项目的日程安排顾问。“你不会被攻击。”我放心。

After much deliberation, I reluctantly agreed. At the conference, I knew I was in hostile territory from what I was hearing: CPM scheduling has evolved—or devolved—from a straight-forward representation of the contractor's plan into a claims tool better understood by lawyers than builders; it is absurd to ask a GC what the plumber will be doing on a Tuesday three years from now; foremen spend too much time updating schedules and not enough managing work in the field.

As the complaints mounted and the need for rudimentary "master" schedules was proffered, I felt like I was at a meeting of the Flat-Earth Society.


为了降低间接费用,承包商通常会提供时间新利18备用官网登录安排短暂的笑容 - 分配经验不足或初级人员以安排复杂的数百万美元项目。新利18备用网址承包商通常会忽略调度规格及其自己的CPM计划。提交了有缺陷的基线,并要纠正过去的罪过,进行了安排更新,隔离浮点和掩盖了承包商的延迟。


On the way to the lectern, I wondered what kind of reception I would receive.Sure, scheduling has grown unnecessarily complicated in recent years. The industry-standard scheduling software seems to be designed for database administrators rather than builders; also, in attempting to do everything, the software performs its core function poorly. Certainly there is room for improvement, but have all the advances in the 100 years since Henry Gantt's eponymous chart been for naught?


Similar to the reaction of my clients when I had suggested this approach in the past, the audience's eyes glazed over. Whether it was fear of the unknown or the boredom elicited by most scheduling discussions, I cannot say. Regardless, my idea would not be that difficult to implement. Both parties would choose an experienced scheduling professional.


Avoiding Claims and Lawsuits

The benefits are obvious. Contractors would no longer have to absorb the full cost of a project scheduler. Owners could be assured the scheduling specifications were followed and updated without manipulations. Contractor personnel could focus on building rather than scheduling. Any proposed schedule revisions would be evaluated by a neutral party, who could weigh the risks and rewards from an objective standpoint. Delays and extension requests would not fester until the end of the job. Perhaps claims and lawsuits could be avoided.


While my debate opponent and I are still working through our differences on our project, I am hopeful we will have an accepted baseline schedule before neutral scheduling becomes the standard. 

CCE P.E. Kurt Rossetti是PKR Consulting Inc.的创始人,PKR Consulting Inc.是旧金山的建筑管理和诉讼咨询公司。可以通过krossetti@pkrconsulting.com与他联系。