

So we thank photographers like Veronica Romitelli, who slogged through the mud of a cold riverbank in Germany from pre-dawn into the night to capture the moment a 1.2 kilometer-long section of pipeline was dragged up into the air from beneath the Elbe River, completing Europe’s longest and largest-diameter pipeline crossing.

We thank Petros Zouzoulas, a Parsons transportation architect shooting in choking dust and the “brutally bright” sunlight of summertime Dubai where the 113ºF temperature made it hard to even handle his camera.

我们感谢基思·菲尔波特(Keith Philpott)在一个黑暗,响亮的工作空间中挤在一个工人后面,所以他不得不“从臀部射击”,因为他无法将头伸到相机后面。

And we thank Harvey Smith, documenting construction barehanded in -4º F temperatures high above Moscow, living his dream. “You can’t work a camera in thick gloves,” he says. Thank you, photo contest submitters all. The slideshow is attached to the lead image.