对于每个与建筑,经济可持续性和灾难恢复能力有关的人,2011年的前五个月都是重要的。新西兰基督城的地震使我们想起了有效的地震改造计划的必要性。日本的三重灾难和破碎的供应链再次记录在我们的情况下,准备仅准备一个灾难的情况与现实世界中的事件不符。记录的龙卷风爆发证明了更好的警告系统和龙卷风庇护所的价值。杀害乌萨马·本·拉登(Osama bin Laden)的美国突袭使我们中的许多人反思了过去十年来我们采取或未采取的行动,以保护人们和建筑物免受恐怖分子的侵害。


到目前为止,灾难准备的d recovery take place on a piecemeal basis, with interest groups competing against one another for ever more precious public and private-sector funding. Maybe we ought to step back from the legislation and budget drafting sessions, the grant and program planning and implementation meetings. Then we’ll see that these are not individual issues that can be effectively addressed one by one.

I believe that we must avoid stovepipe or picket fence bureaucracies and programs and instead look at each as part of a whole—as part of the fabric of the human condition, not as sudden unexpected events. Sustainability means resiliency and resiliency means sustainability—life and growth.

Robert Wible

In early March in Washington, D.C., ENR, McGraw-Hill Construction and the National Building Museum’s Industry Council for the Built Environment brought together experts to consider effective actions for “Mitigating Disasters Through Design and Construction.” Presenters and moderators from the above communities repeatedly expressed concern over the lack of a holistic approach toward sustainability and disaster resiliency.

They also worried that during the present budget crisis, more well organized and powerful interest groups will eviscerate even a coordinated public outreach campaign on sustainability and disaster resiliency actions.

What emerged from the conference is summarized in a white paper submitted to Congress, but here are my personal ideas and concerns.

Examining Codes


A panel I moderated recommended that the U.S. produce a cohesive multi-disciplinary approach to the content and updates to building codes and land use regulations to strengthen both disaster resiliency and economic sustainability. The current piecemeal system is confusing, costly and burdensome.


