Matt Inderlied


when Language Obstructs Safety
照片:Sam Barnes
Employers should ask Hispanic workers to demonstrate safe practices to show that they understand them.

我的系统基于简单的视觉提示和非语言通信。我还认为,在工作地点保持一定的专业距离和礼节 - 而不是让所有人自由开玩笑 - 对每个人都更好。



Hispanic workers are production-minded and often do what it takes to fast-track the job. They also may ignore crucial safety practices or simply do the work incorrectly because they mistakenly believe that just getting it done will please the boss.

For example, on one job with which I’m familiar, a Spanish-speaking employee was asked to replace a missing pin on a fire extinguisher. To get it done, the worker found a piece of used wire and then inserted it by tightly twisted it through the hole of the trigger, making the extinguisher inoperable. Not surprisingly, the employee had not been properly trained. If there had been a fire in the area where he was cutting metal studs, the extinguisher would have been useless.







By communicating in Spanish, incorporating visuals (for instance, the safety diagram labeled on a step ladder) and consistently reinforcing the message in a simple manner, many frustrating and costly problems can be avoided.


Go the extra mile to encourage these valuable workers to report accidents, injuries and near-misses. Let them know that it helps the entire project and why. Let them know they are responsible for a safe jobsite. After you provide proper training, hold them accountable for their actions. They will value safety as much as you do.