
Photo: Courtesy of Puma Steel

尽管自1964年以来,非农业行业的生产力在美国的生产率增加了一倍以上,但尽管技术进步巨大,但建筑业的劳动生产力实际上仍在下降。对于结构性钢铁行业来说,一个主要的罪魁祸首是效率低下或不完整的连接设计实践造成的效率低下。1995年,当时的Cives Steel Company的首席工程师William Thornton在AISC国家钢制建筑会议上演讲,概述了钢连接设计的许多昂贵缺点。令人关注的领域包括针对设计简单剪切,力矩和支撑连接的设计负载标准,以及对圆柱中加强板和Doubler板的使用(或滥用)。可以很容易地说,几乎所有桑顿的关注仍然十四年后仍然存在。



It was determined that the worst-case brace sizes, and thus connection forces, were used throughout the structures, resulting in overdesigned lateral systems. The use of 60% of the total uniform load capacity for the gravity beams resulted in some reactions approximately 650% of those determined from the actual analysis. This placed great limitations on connection type, and any coping of the beams necessitated doubler plates to meet all necessary limit states.


不经济或不完整的连接设计信息主要是过时的设计 - 建造业务模型的结果,该模型几乎保证了设计和施工团队之间缺乏沟通,直到设计实质上完成为止。没有建筑团队的制造和勃起偏好,工程师将被迫制作“一个尺寸适合所有”或“设计标准”。如今,许多结构工程师通常会花费每个项目的工程小时数量最少,以最大程度地提高盈利能力和出于必要性。尽管其他标准可能会发挥作用,但工程师会在一定程度上按费用进行评估。不幸的是,与与完整且经济的结构设计相关的成本节省相比,许多实体招聘工程师对工程费用的微不足道几乎没有理解。因此,设计和施工之间的隔离消除了设计决策与真实成本之间的有效检查和平衡。

In addition to the negative impact reduced engineering effort has on project economics, the potential development of a dependence on the typical details produced is an inherent concern for engineering firms. As design manuals and codes continue to thicken with each edition, it becomes increasingly difficult, if not impossible, for an individual to be an expert on all structural engineering topics. An increased tendency towards less flexible, typical details, as well as an associated resistance to deviating from those details is understandable. However, the competency to perform, or even review, connection designs that fall outside of a firm’s typical standards is ultimately lessened. Thus, steel connection design appears to slowly be developing into a lost art in consulting engineering.


This is a call to arms for the structural engineering community — be the frontrunners in an effort to educate owners, developers, architects, and construction managers. Eliminate those who do not understand or appreciate the value an integrated, quality structural design brings to every project. Those who fail to work towards enhanced value could find themselves among those eliminated.

帕特里克·s·麦克马纳斯是t的主管he engineering and detailing department at Puma Steel, Cheyenne, WY. He can be reached atpatrick.mcmanus@pumasteel.com或307-637-7177,Rex I. Lewis是Puma Steel的总裁。可以通过307-637-7177或rex.lewis@pumasteel.com.