Louis D. Haussmannhas been elevated to chief operating officer of Baxter & Wodman Inc., a Crystal Lake, Ill.-based municipal engineering firm. A 14-year veteran, he had been head of its transportation group and joined the board in 2009. Baxter & Woodman is ranked at No. 352 on ENR's list of the Top 500 Design Firms, with $27.5 million in 2010 revenue.

托马斯·克林纳德(Thomas Clinard)已加入芝加哥运输工程师Alfred Benesch&Co。担任副总裁兼田纳西分部经理。此举是在10月3日收购了田纳西州布伦特伍德的Clinard Engineering Associates,设计公司Clinard是执行伙伴。Sammie McCoy,他是Clinard合作伙伴,现在是Benesch的高级项目经理。大约有17名员工加入了贝内斯(Benesch),后者在ENR排名前500家设计公司名单中排名第160。新利18备用

韦恩·佩伦费因has joined Chicago architect Perkins + Will as a principal in its Washington, D.C., office. He was a principal, responsible for federal programs, at HDR Inc. and, before that, a vice president and program director at URS Corp. Perlenfein will focus on federal projects for P+W.

肯尼斯·萨斯(Kenneth SaaS)

肯特大师该公司于10月3日在Foster Wheeler AG担任首席执行官的角色。Umberto della Salla,who was interim CEO. Salla continues as president and chief operating officer and as CEO of the firm's global engineering and construction unit. Masters had been CEO of The Linde Group, a global engineer and gases producer. A vote to elect Masters to the Foster Wheeler board is set for Nov. 1. The firm also said that雷蒙德·J·米尔乔维奇will resign as non-executive chairman on Nov. 3.

史蒂文·L·安格(Steven L. Angle)已加入纽约州奥尔巴尼市的EYP Architecture&Engineering,作为其能源集团的项目主管。他是高等教育设施的设计和能源保护专家,曾是纽约州特洛伊市伦斯勒理工学院设施工程的经理。

Deborah DeBernard

Nasri MunfahSanja Zlatanic分别加入了堪萨斯城的HNTB Corp.,分别担任隧道服务高级副总裁兼董事长,分别担任副总裁兼首席隧道工程师。两者都位于纽约市,并且是帕森斯·布林克霍夫(Parsons Brinckerhoff)的前经理,孟法尔(Munfah)是国家隧道实践领袖,Zlatanic担任项目经理和高级专业助理。Munfah还是哥伦比亚大学土木工程的兼职教授。Paul Yarossi,president of HNTB Holdings Ltd., was elected the 2011-12 chairman of the American Road & Transportation Builders Association, the firm said on Oct. 5.

纽约市承包商CNY Builders已聘请其Interiors部门执行副总裁。最近,他是MDS Construction的负责人。SaaS还是Kesco Contracting Corp.Fairfax的前董事长,总部位于弗吉尼亚州的专业服务公司Dewberry已任命其高级副总裁兼收购总监。她从设计和计划管理公司的先前职位列奥(Leo)担任Daly担任战略创新副总裁兼首席执行官,加入了该公司。