克拉克(右)与2007年工程大楼的工程师和马里兰大学的捐助者Jeong H. Kim奉献。

In 1969, when he took over an old-line Washington, D.C.-area construction firm that now bears his name,A. James“ Jim” Clark具有增长愿景与其创始人截然不同。几十年后,继任者为推动乔治·海曼建筑公司(George Hyman Construction C.


他领导的建筑承包商as CEO until 1989, and as chairman until 1994, ranks at No. 12 on ENR's most current list of the Top 400 Contractors, with $4.26 billion in 2013 revenue. About 77% is in building construction, with one-third in construction management at risk. The firm said revenue now is $4.5 billion.

The Clark name is omnipresent in the Washington metro area, with the firm responsible for building what it says is some 1,200 projects during its former chief's tenure, including key sports, business, institutional, academic and entertainment venues. Projects completed during that time and after include the new Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, L'Enfant Plaza, Smithsonian museums and the National's baseball stadium.

The contractor also built 17 Washington-area Metro subway stations and is part of the joint venture for the $1.2-billion Silver Line subway extension to Dulles International Airport in Virginia.

克拉克(Clark)在1996年合并了前海曼(Hyman)公司(当时是一个仅限工会承包商),该公司于1950年与其非工会党Omni Construction Group合并时,创建了该公司目前的结构。

The firm also went national through both organic growth and acquisitions. More recently, it edged out seven competitors to win the $127-million contract last year for the 120-ft-tall, 68,000-sq-ft Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center in California and had been vieing for a $520-million convention center renovation contract in Miami Beach until the owner scrapped the current proposal competition last month due to cost issues after the firm and three other short-listed bidders dropped out.

根据1982年ENR的公司资料,克拉克(Clark)在将公司推向新的竞技场时,与乔治·海曼(George Hyman)不同,他希望他的公司保持足够小以保持完全控制权。新利18备用



在其itu告中,该公司吹捧克拉克在使海曼成为1950年代使用Tower Trower Cranes的第一位使用Tower Cranes的一切方面的领导地位,再到与员工和关键客户“在前线”直到80年代的前线“处于前线”。

ENR个新利18备用人资料指出,克拉克(Clark)的个人关系是重复客户当时最大的开发商Oliver T. Carr Associates,以及贷方,设计师和其他业务领导者。克拉克ob告说,这位前酋长首次达成了1990年代的交易,以与前红皮队老板杰克·肯特·库克(Jack Kent Cooke)握手,建立了DC。


克拉克还培养了包括劳伦斯·努斯多夫(Lawrence Nussdorf)在内的关键蛋糕,后者于1977年加入该公司,现在是克拉克企业的总裁兼首席运营官。当时的执行副总裁新利18备用在1982年告诉Enr,该行业历史上具有“工作现场负责人的心态”,承包商已成功地“使从建筑公司过渡到其产品是建筑的企业”。


但是克拉克分享了他的一些财富。他无法在1940年代在常春藤联盟康奈尔大学(Ivy League Corn新利18备用ell University)提供建筑研究,成为了三所华盛顿地区大学的意外收获。

The University of Maryland, College Park, from which he earned a civil engineering degree, named its engineering school for him in 1994 after a $15-million donation. He also endowed a $30-million undergraduate engineering scholarship fund in 2005 and is a benefector of a new $168-million, 184,000-sq-ft biomedical engineering building named for him, which is set for completion in 2017. Clark became one of the state university's largest donors, according to Clark Group.

Clark Construction正在建造生物医学工程大楼,并于2007年建造了该大学的4800万美元Kim工程大楼。

The firm's former chairman also made major donations to engineering programs at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and to the George Washington University in Washington, and helped support Samaritan Inns, a refuge for Washington-area homeless drug addicts.



它说,可以以克拉克(Clark)的荣誉向马里兰大学(A. James Clark)奖学金的A. James Clark奖学金3207 Kim Engineering Building,MD 20742捐款。