
John R. “Rick” Forrester,马里兰州罗克维尔的Forrester Construction Co. Inc.的创始人兼负责人于8月29日在未公开的弗吉尼亚州去世。死亡原因是头部的自我造成的枪伤,该州医学检查官的发言人证实了ENR。新利18备用福雷斯特是55岁。


The 200-employee building contractor is ranked at No. 319 on ENR’s Top 400 Contractors list, with $180 million in revenue last year. A firm spokeswoman declined to elaborate on Forrester’s death, but in a statement, the company said that it “will continue to service our current and future clients.”

According to a family-supplied obituary, Forrester earned a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Georgia Tech and worked for a family owned firm, Scientific Systems Corp., before starting the construction company in 1988. The obituary says that his master's thesis on the newly-emerging area of self-adaptive building energy systems was cited for national recognition, but did not note by what organization.



ENR also recognized several projects on which Forrester was general contractor, including a 17,000-sq-ft replacement of the visitor's center at Ft. McHenry in Baltimore that used a geothermal heating and cooling system, among other innovations to achieve LEED Silver certification in 2011.

Forrester还是Leukeumia和Lymphoma Society的前董事会成员。

"Rick was always the go-to person when it came to dealing with Forrester Construction," says an online tribute writer. "He was the calm one [who] always listened to reason."

"Rick was a very warm and classy guy who went out of his way to be fair to his subs," says Jerry Strieter, president of Southern Insulation Inc., Hyattsville, Md., also in an online tribute, posted on Sept. 5.

但是福雷斯特一直受到法律问题的困扰。Last year, the firm agreed to pay $1 million to the D.C. government解决声称,它从事与少数企业企业联盟有关的城市合同的欺诈模式。



According to Forrester, donations in memory of Rick Forrester can be made to The Rick Forrester Foundation for Education, 12231 Parklawn Drive, Rockville, Md. 20852.