在建设佛罗里达理工大学的6000万美元创新,科学技术大楼的早期,建筑师Santiago Calatrava向Skanska USA Building的项目负责人查克·贾布隆(Chuck Jablon)表示了疑问,该项目对美国手工艺工人提供了交付质量的建筑师所设想的能力。考虑到卡拉特拉瓦(Calatrava)的第一个保证最大价格合同,考虑到配合玻璃壳,162,000平方英尺的结构,并以250英尺长的可操作的天窗系统为首,他的怀疑可能是可以理解的。

但不要去杰布隆。他与热情接受了挑战,激励建筑商像以前从未如此合作。正如贝克混凝土建筑的30年建设老将罗杰·韦伯(Roger Webb)指出,Skanska“让设计成员参与建筑过程的比我见过的要多”。

Working together, the team achieved some lofty results, starting with the project's on-schedule, on-budget delivery, unlike several other recent Calatrava projects. There's also the architect's admission that his early skepticism was misplaced.

In a letter to Jablon, Calatrava noted the project's design, schedule and cost challenges, commenting, "In my opinion, [the results] solidified your construction team as one of the preeminent builders in the nation."
