像瓦格纳(Wagnerian)歌剧的大师一样,迈克尔·马克萨诺(Michael Marchesano)合唱了400名工人,19个混凝土泵,208个搅拌机和8个批次植物,为威尔希尔大中心的基础进行了19.5小时连续的混凝土位置。洛杉矶市中心中部的一个拥挤的工作岗位加入了戏剧中,数百名围观者,贵宾甚至一支完整的游行乐队也加入了戏剧性。但是,由于特纳(Turner)建设的总监Marchesano牵头一年,整个手术都没有障碍。

"He is very meticulous and interested in every detail of a big construction event," says Brendan Murphy, Turner vice president and operations manager. "His passion for being a builder is the thing that makes the team rally around him."

On hand for the February 2014 placement, an adjudicator for Guinness World Records deemed the 21,200-yd operation to be the largest ever to be officially verified by the organization.

Marchesano and his team held dry runs to rehearse every scenario possible and create multiple backup plans in case a batch plant went down or a traffic accident stymied deliveries. As a result, the "calm and methodical" operation was performed safely, without the "slightest bit of chaos," Murphy says.

A fervent believer in the power of sequencing, Marchesano says he prides himself on having the vision to understand how complex projects fit together. That foresight will be tested over the next two years as the 1,018-ft-tall tower rises to become the tallest building west of Chicago. Currently, the concrete core rises to about one third of the final height of 73 stories, and steel placement has begun. The crew will soon grow to more than 800 workers.

But rather than being intimidated, Marchesano says he is excited to face the challenges ahead. "I've been a superintendent for 32 years, and I still look forward every single day to coming to work," he says.